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"Min Woo! That's my boy! Get it!" Min Woo snapped his head as he heard Roman shouting his name. Beatriz, Tej, and Ramsey sat next to Roman, headed in their hands, trying to sink into their seats as Roman shouted. It was Min Woo's graduation from high school, and Roman decided to be his Roman self. He was making Min Woo's graduation more than Min Woo wanted him to. Now, Roman wasn't the only one who was shouting names but Roman was the loudest.

Min Woo lowered his head, taking the diploma from the principal. He was embarrassed.

"Sit your ass down." Tej grabbed Roman's arm, yanking him back down into the chair. Tej sighed. "You are embarrassing him."

"I'm not embarrassing him."

Min Woo wanted the ground to open up and swallow him up. "Roman, shut up, you're embarrassing me." Min Woo mumbled into his hand. He was sinking into his seat, trying to avoid anyone looking at him.

"Yeah, that looks like a kid who's clearly not embarrassed." Tej said.

Beatriz just had to mention the graduation in front of Roman. She didn't think Roman would be like this during the graduation. He was hooting and hollering for a kid he barely knew two years ago. Bea was happy that her friends loved Min Woo just as much as she loved him, but... Roman was making a scene, and Min Woo asked if they could keep things lowkey.

"Min Woo, is that your father?" One student whispered.

Min Woo shook his head instantly. "He's a friend of Triz's."

"A friend or a friend?"

"Shut up." Min Woo continued to sink further into the chair. "Roman, please shut up before they break out the tape." MIn Woo said.

"Y'know, we really should have taped your mouth shut," Roman glared. "The tape is back in my car if you don't believe me."

"Triz said it would be mean."

"I regret it now."

"You guys are jackasses. I'm just hypin' the kid up, it's his graduation after all. Why ain't you being loud?" Roman asked.

"'Cause he ain't our kid?" Tej said. "I don't remember my swimmers bein' involved in creatin' 'im. Besides, he's Triz's kid, we're here as guests, and you made the short-list 'cause Jack and Liv got sick, so Brian and Mia couldn't come." Tej added.

"And Dom and Letty are still on their honeymoon in Havana," Ramsey added.

"Keir's been trainin' for some new position since he quit the DSS." Bea added.

"Archer's also in New York for some project." Ramsey added quickly.

"Hell, we asked Hobbs before you heard about it." Tej asked. Roman glared at his friends, crossing his arms and finally shutting up. "Oh, finally, peace and quiet. I can take the earplugs out of my ears." Tej joked. Roman gave Tej the finger.

"You guys are jackasses." Roman repeated.

Beatriz had to keep her laughter to a minimum, they still had at least 100 more names to get through before the graduation ceremony was over with. Beatriz's head was filled with memories of the graduations she went to for the crew. She remembered when she graduated they made so much noise, they were almost kicked out. Bea had definitely calmed down since then and knew that Min Woo didn't want that much excitement - Roman didn't get the memo.

Beatriz did get him a balloon, along with an amazing gift.

The team would be coming out for lunch shortly after graduation. Min Woo asked if they could keep things extremely lowkey, while he would be going out with his friends that evening for their graduation parties, he just wanted to have a nice lunch with the team. Obviously, not all of 'em since some couldn't make it but Beatriz had their cards and gifts waiting for him in the car.

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