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Keir took a step back when Deckard Shaw entered the conference room. He was absolutely the last person that Keir expected to hear Mr. Nobody say Shaw was their helping hand. Knowing the direct history between the team and Shaw - what Shaw did to Han. Beatriz's "fuck no" was definitely telling. Unless Mr. Nobody really wanted a dead body on his hands, Shaw was the very last person that should be in the room with them. With Bea no less.

Beatriz made Dom promise she'd never see Shaw again. Not that Dom was breaking his promise, he wasn't there to punch the guy in the face for her. The promise wasn't broken because of that, it was broken because Dom decided to get involved with Cipher. Having Shaw standing there, Beatriz was shaking.

The other team members stood up upon seeing Shaw. They were just as shocked that Mr. Nobody wanted them to work with him, of all people. He killed Han, they tried to take him down only two years ago. Shaw only spent time in prison for two years, that wasn't enough time for what he did to Han and did to Beatriz.

Min Woo moved until he stood behind Bea. She couldn't stand up. It was bad enough that she actually looked Shaw in the eye when he first entered. Beatriz felt sick to her stomach with Shaw in the room.

You'd think two years would be enough time for Bea to face Shaw, but being that it was unexpected and Bea always thought the first - and only time - she'd face Shaw would be in front of his prison cell.

Beatriz did think about the day she'd face Deckard Shaw, she always pictured it with guards around her and bullet proof glass between them with no way of him getting out. She certainly didn't think Shaw would be released from prison after two years, or having Mr. Nobody saying he wanted Shaw to help them track down Dom.

Bea's legs began to bounce as Hobbs and Shaw started going back and forth. Letty looked at her sister, seeing her sister was holding on by a thread. Bea was looking down at her lap, playing with the ring, not paying much attention to what else was being said around her. It was going in one ear and out the other, all she knew was Hobbs and Shaw were going back and forth with insults.

"Don't think we've forgotten everything that you've done." Letty said.

"We are not teaming up with this guy." Tej added.

"Let's get one thing clear: I ain't on your team. I don't care about you, your crew, or your little family. I'm here for Cipher." Shaw stated. Beatriz lifted her head up - it was curious that Mr. Nobody just happened to bring in Shaw, he probably gave him a heads up before Hobbs, and Shaw just agreed to help find Cipher. She also found it curious, for a man who wanted to hunt them down, and killed Han, saying he didn't care.

He cared enough to kill one of 'em, and tried to break down the family with his scare tactics.

However, what Shaw said next did surprise her. "Cipher came to me first. Wanted me to steal Nightshade for her. When I said no, she went after my brother." Shaw walked around the table, ignoring the rest of the team. He was focused on Hobbs.

Mr. Nobody got between Shaw and Hobbs before someone would throw the first punch. "Ah, yes, brother Owen. Who could forget him, huh?" The next picture that appeared on the screen was Owen Shaw. Beatriz rolled her eyes. "Former hell-raiser and current guest at a nasty little black-site prison." Mr. Nobody said.

"Cipher corrupted him and left him for dead." Shaw looked over at Mr. Nobody and Hobbs. "So, if I get a shot to take her down, believe me, Flex, I'm taking it." Shaw moved around Mr. Nobody to get in Hobbs' face once again.

Keir placed his head into his hand, shaking it slowly. He knew this was a bad idea, the moment Shaw entered the conference room, Keir just knew. It was obvious that the team wasn't going to work well together with Shaw involved. Deckard Shaw was the last person to be included in their team, even if he knew how to track people like Dom and Cipher.

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