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Beatriz's hands gripped the steering wheel, staring at Dom across the way. Bea knew that this wasn't going to be an easy task, going after Dom. Dom already had the gears moving in his own head about how to get the fuck out of there with the nuclear codes. The question did remind, why was Cipher using Dom for this? And what did Cipher want with those codes?

"It's over, Toretto. Get your ass out of the car now." The only thing Dom did was rev his engine. Keir didn't like the way the car rocked with the way Dom's engine revved at them. Keir grabbed the seatbelt across his chest - if there was one thing about Dominic Toretto that Keir learned was not to double cross him. Even though the team wasn't double crossing him, the actions he was doing were proving otherwise. "So, that's how you want to play this?" Keir looked over at Hobbs.

He picked the wrong car to get into.

"Let's play."

Beatriz really hoped that Dom wouldn't play the game that Hobbs suggested, but it was already too late. Dom was headed to the left when Little Nobody moved out of position. Bea lowered her head – that was exactly what Dom was looking for. He knew his team, he knew they wouldn't back down. He'd have to hit them in order to get by because they sure as hell weren't going to move, but Little Nobody was new and didn't know shit.

Keir's head went into his hand. "For fuck's sake."

"What are you doing?" Letty asked.

"It's a trap."

Beatriz grabbed the radio that sat in the cupholder. "You fuckin' idiot." Just as Little Nobody was getting close, Dom turned right suddenly, taking the spot that was now clear for him to escape. "How 'bout you listen to us this time?" Bea added as she dropped the radio into her lap.

Bea reversed into traffic, not caring about the other cars. She spun the wheel, speeding down the road that Dom just went down. Bea saw her sister weaving through traffic to try and get to Dom first. It was a tactic she used more often than Beatriz thought she would. It was always used as a "check" to make sure everything was okay and Dom was good with the mission they just pulled off. This time was different.

"Now I know what it feels like to be every cop ever chasin' us." Tej commented.

"I'm gonna get a ltitle closer. I'm gonna pit him." Little Nobody said.

Beatriz rolled her eyes. "Don't do that. You already showed yourself to Dom, he's gonna use that against you." Bea said.

"Gotta agreee with Triz. You just gonna pit Dom?" Roman said. "Little Nobody has clearly lost his little mind."

Even Keir knew that was a bad idea. Little Nobody was just going to get stuck somewhere if he wasn't careful. Like Bea said, Dom saw what he was doing when he gave him an exit. Dom was going to use Little Nobody's lack of knowledge about his driving skills to his advantage.

Beatriz felt a small smile pull at her lips as she drifted around the next street. But unlike Tokyo, Bea was chasing after Dom, and she had to agree with Tej, this definitely felt like every car chase they've every been in. Chasing after Dom was definitely different than driving beside him.

Bea focused on the road ahead of her, turning the wheel and grabbing the brake to drift to the left. Archer grabbed onto the dashboard, looking over at Beatriz. "How the hell-"

"I lived in Tokyo for a year, drifting's huge there." She said as she went down the next street.

"I'm on him."

"Easy. Work together." Hobbs said, yet Little Nobody didn't listen.

Beatriz looked towards Dom, seeing what he was planning. "Oh shit!" Beatriz pulled back just in time for the scaffolding to break away from the wall. Dom drove straight into it to block the way. Unlike everyone else, Little Nobody was the only one who got stuck under the scaffolding. Beatriz followed her sister, driving on the sidewalk to follow Dom.

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