Chapter 205

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"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what our leader said? Pick up the bloody ball! You hear me?"

"How dare you glare at Trent! Are you looking for trouble?"

A few of Trent's followers glared threateningly at Chester, ready to attack him at a moment's notice.

Upon witnessing the scene, Darryl let out a cold laugh. He could no longer take it that those people are so openly bullying Chester. Chester did nothing wrong.

Trent turned around and met Darryl's eyes. He was shocked, then he fumed with rage. "Motherf*cker, it's you?! Why do I keep seeing you!" He rushed forward to fight Darryl. Bloody hell, it was because Darryl that he ended up in prison. Now that he met him here, he was going to kill him!

He was about to hit Darryl when he stopped abruptly.

'F*ck, what is happening? Wasn't he only a Level Two Master previously? How has he leveled up to Level Four Master in such a short time? I can't beat him alone.' thought Trent.

He waved his hands to his followers and commanded "Brothers, let's beat him up together!"

A few men surrounded Darryl. In prison, they were Trent's followers. Whatever Trent said, they followed without question.

Darryl calmly said "I just came in, I do not want to cause trouble, please don't force my hand."

At that moment, Chester picked up his specs and book. He stood there and looked at Darryl. How was this man still so calm despite being outnumbered. He must be a strong man!

Darryl noticed Chester's gaze but did not react. Megan hand warned him that Chester was sly and very perceptive. To not cause suspicion, Darryl could not show off his mastery.

At the same time, a prison guard approached them and screamed "What are you all doing? Do you want to extend your punishment here?"

Darryl's eyes sparkled when he saw that the prison guard was a female. She was pretty good looking.

"Officer, we were not fighting, haha! We were only fooling around!" Trent laughed.

In prison, no one dares to be too presumptuous.

The officer glared at them, turned around, and left. She muttered "Don't bully the newcomer." She knew that this new inmate, Darryl, was a thief. Thieves were looked down upon in prison. That Darryl would definitely be bullied, especially by Trent and his followers. 'He is going to have a bad time here.' she sighed.

"Brother Trent, what are we going to do with that Darryl?" a followere asked during lunch.

Trent replied coldly "Don't worry. We will defeat Darryl through Chester. If Darryl sees Chester being bullied, he won't be so arrogant anymore!"

"This is a good idea!"

"Trent you are amazing!" The followers looked up to Trent a lot. Whatever he did was perfect in their eyes.

After lunch, during a toilet break. Darryl and Chester were peeing, when Trent came with his men. They surounded Chester and peed on his pants, it was extremely disgusting.

Chester was exceedingly enraged, but he held back. Sadly, this was not the end of it.

During dinner, when Trent passed by Chester, he stopped and spit in Chester's food. All the inmates witnessed this.

Food in prison was extremely precious. If you did not eat, you would starve.

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