Chapter 218

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Giselle was also overwhelmed with worry. She bit her lips and said softly "Brother Darryl, it's fine."

Darryl smiled at her. "Don't worry; we'll do nothing but talk. We won't fight."

"Darryl, listen to me. Don't go." Lana advised softly.

The two bodyguards were about two meters tall! Things would not end well for Darryl if he were to go to the washroom.

"Listen, I can't allow you to go. Do you hear me?" Lana continued to persuade him.

"It's fine, don't worry." Darryl walked toward the washroom in giant steps.

When they realized that they could not stop him, Giselle and Lana glanced at each other worriedly.

Darryl arrived at the washroom. He saw Dalton and the two bodyguards as soon as he stepped into the restroom.

Dalton approached him. "Kiddo, there's still time for you to kneel and apologize for your mistake."

Dalton thought the kiddo would be willing to acknowledge his mistake if he had some sense in him.

However, he was utterly wrong about that.

Darryl chuckled and walked to the urinal. He unzipped his pants and ped as he said in an unhurried tone. "An apology is a must, but it should be one from you and not me."

"F*ck! You a*sshole! Finish him!"

Dalton was enraged when he heard Darryl's words.

His bodyguards charged with their fists the moment they heard his command.

Darryl was amused.

'How did they get hired as body guards with these skills? Their heights is a waste; they're moving too slowly.

Darryl extended a leg, and it caused Sam and Liam to trip and fall onto the slippery floor!

The two men into Dalton/


Dalton, who was overweight, did not have agile legs. he could not dodge his two underlings, and so, he fell with them.

"F*ck! You piece of sh*t!"

Dalton cursed furiously when Darryl turned and splashed his urine on Dalton and his bodyguards' faces.

"I'm gonna f*cking kill you!"

Dalton felt extremely humiliated, and he exploded with fury. He started to curse angrily again as Darryl's pee spilled into his mouth.

The shocked and outraged bodyguards tried to get up.

However, Darryl stepped onto their bodies, or their Bahui acupoints, to be exact. The men felt numb all over their bodies, and they could not exert any force at all.

Giselle and Lana were anxious as they waited outside the washroom.

They had followed Darryl to the washroom because they could not sit still. However, they stopped at the entrance because they were embarrassed to go into the room.

"Teacher, why don't we go in?" Giselle bit her lips and asked softly.

Lana's face flushed with embarrassment as she hesitated. "But it's the men's room."

However, Lana could not hide her anxiety.

They had to go in even if it was the men's room!

Lana made her decision after two seconds. "Fine, let's go."

Both of them walked into the washroom in their heels.

"Darryl, are you okay? You-"

Lana asked with concern as they entered the washroom, but her face flushed crimson when she saw the situation!

Giselle's delicate body also shivered from the shock!

Dalton Zander and his bodyguards were on the floor, and Darryl... Well, Darryl was urinating on Dalton's face.


Lana and Giselle shrieked simultaneously after two seconds of silence. They covered their flushed faces and turned around swiftly before they ran off.

'Why did Darryl do that? How embarrassing!'

'We shouldn't have gone in!'

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