Chapter 210

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The Darbys were from the countryside, how could they ahve so much money that they could afford to even consider viewing the best villa of all?

The staff replied with a smile "Ma'am, this villa was already bought a week ago. It was processed internally, I don't know the details."


Samantha was uhappy, she said "I'll pay more, can you do something about it? I want this villa."

The location of this villa was extremely well, the price of it will definitely increase in the future. Now that her daughter could afford it from her live stream earnings, what harm could adding a little more money do to get the best villa?

"I'm sorry, I don't make the decisions." the staff apologized.

Samantha was gloomy, she turned to Lily and said "Call Jade, she's the president, we want this villa, asked her to do something about it."



Everywhere Darryl went, there would be a stream of followers. After beating Trent up yesterday, those followers turned to him instead.

Darryl got closed to Chester, to the point of talking about everything under the sun.

Of course, none of them have revealred their true identities yet. Today was the last day Chester would be in prison. Due to insufficient evidence, the police had no choice but to let him go.

Before leaving, Chester wrote his number on a piece of paper and gave it to Darryl. he hugged Darryl and said "Brother, I'll leave first. When you leave the prison, please contact me! Keep in touch!"

"Definitely!" Darryl smiled. He had been waiting for Chester to say this after he made such an effort to get closer to him.

Chester said no more, he patted Darryl's shoulder and left.

The next day, Darryl was released as well. At the prison gates, Megan called "My good brother, how..."

She stopped abruptly. What is the matter with her? Why does she keep calling him my good brother? She was extremely embarrassed.

"Darryl, what info did you get out of Chester?" she asked after calming herself down.

For almost two weeks, Megan was sure that there would be results. If she had any info, she would be in for a reward!

Darryl smiled bitterly, he said "It's not as easy as you think. Chester is very alert. During this time, our relationship has gotten closer. However, everytime I try to ask about his identity, he changes the topic."

Darryl  stated the truth. Chester was good at the skill of conversing, always staying cautious in what he says.

"What? How could that be? So it was all for nothing?" Megan said disappointedly.

Darryl was actually teasing her - it was not all for nothing, he managed to get Chester's contact.

Megan thought Darryl was being serious. Darryl continued teasing, he said "Yeah, it was all because of you that I was in prison for half a month, doing nothing. Say, what do I get in return?"

"You get nothing! You didn't even accomplish the mission!" Megan grunted.

"Well, then it's fine. If I ever have any news about the Eternal Life Palace, I won't let you know." Darry chuckled.

Megan replied curtly "Even the police can't investigate them, how could you? You did not manage to get any info on the Eternal Life Palace this time being undercover, you think you'd be able to do it the next time?"

Megan continued "I even called you my good brother to coax you to go undercover, it was all for nothing! I should not have called you my good brother. You are useless good younger brother, useless good younger brother!" then she hung up the phone.

'Bloody hell, she's so practical! Just because I did not accomplish the mission, I am her useless younger brother.' Darryl was struck dumb.

He hailed a taxi to head back to the office.

After half a month in prison, he wondered how the corporation was doing. being released from prison, seeing traffic, Darryl sighed. 'It's good to be out, the air is fresher.' he thought.

he was about to enter the taxi when his phone rang - it was Chester!

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