Chapter 349

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The Cult Master frowned as he looked closely in an attempt to differentiate the three of them and said "This volume is sent to me by the Eternal Life Palace Sect. What's wrong with it?"

Other than its color, they seemed look similar to each other.

Darryl smiled. "May I please have your trust to look at the yellow volume?"

Meanwhile, the Cult Master doubtfully handed the volume to him.

After accepting the volume, Darryl touched the cover and could not help laughing out loud. He had to admit the replica was skillfully done. However, the paper used was obviously new.

Darryl felt there was slight bump below the cover page as he flipped through it.

'There's something hidden in her.' he thought.

Suddenly, he ripped the book apart!


Everyone in the hall stared in disbelief as they held onto their breath from watching him!

'What!? He... He ripped the volume apart!?'

The White Tiger could not stand it any longer as he jumped up and glared at Darryl. "Elder Master, how dare you!?"

Meanwhile, the Vermillion Peafowl added on and scowled "How dare you rip this volume apart!? Are you tired of living?"

The Supreme Mystery Scripture was the dream of every cultivator and Darryl just ripped it apart.

The Cult Master's face darkened as he rose in anger. He was fed up with the disrespect Darryl showed to him. How dare Darryl damage the volume in front of him and everyone else!? He should not be shown any mercy!

The Cult Master gathered energies from his energy field in fury and a dangerous energy domain was being released.

However, Darryl did not panic at all and took out a black disk after tearing the front page off.

A tapping device!?

Indeed, a tapping device was hidden beneath the cover page.

Meanwhile, Darryl held onto the tapping device and everyone in the hall including the Cult Master fell silent.

"Cult Master, if I'm not mistaken, the Eternal Life Palace Sect isn't so kind after all. Perhaps they're trying to spy on our cult secrets." said Darryl with a smile.


Suddenly, the Cult Master's face was terrifyingly darkened. He smashed the table while terrifying energies were exuding from his body before yelling "I can't believe they sent us a fake volume with a tapping device in it! They're asking it! Once I get hold of all seven volumes, they'll be the first ones I'll destroy."

Everyone in the hall shivered and fell silent. The Cult Master's aura was way too intimidating and nobody dared to breathe out loud when he was furious.

Meanwhile, Monica furiously stared at Darryl. She was terrified earlier when she thought Darryl as actually trying to tear the volume.

The Cult Master clenched his fists as his anger started to dissipate. "Elder Master, I'll still be fooled by them if not for you. You did a good thing!"

The Four Guardian Kings looked awkward as he spoke. All of them previously thought Darryl had been unjustly appointed as the Elder Master, but now it seemed otherwise.

Darryl humbly smiled. "It's my duty."

The Cult Master nodded with pleasure and raised his glass. "Come, I'd like to make a toast to your outstanding knowledge!"

Everyone in the hall started toasted Darryl upon hearing that. All of them knew Darryl was the highest-ranking Elder in the hall right after the Cult Master and Mistress. Everyone wanted to please Darryl especially after what he did earlier.

The dinner had lasted for almost five hours with everyone in the hall ending up either tipsy or drunk at the table.

Monica also had one too many glasses to drink. She had her palm on her forehead with her drunken face being even more alluring than usual. Her cheeks were flushed red and her eye squinting as she exuded an air of lustful temptation.

After everyone had left the hall being completely wasted only the Cult Master and Darryl were left.

"Darryl, there's something I want to speak with you about." said the Cult Master while staring into Darryl's eyes.

'What? What's that which he needs to say in private with me!?' Darryl's heart thumped so heavily that he could feel it nearly jumping out of his throat as cold sweats uncontrollably kept trickling down.

However, the Cult Master raised his hand and smilingly said "Oh Darryl, I really appreciate what you did today. I'm a man who keeps a clear track of rewards and punishments. You did a good thing and I want to reward you for that."

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