Chapter 343

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On Elysian Island.

Today, the island was livelier than usual with brightly lit lights and rows of disciples patrolling. Darryl's acupoints were pressed by the monk and could not speak nor move. He was scared when he saw the monk bring him to the island.

Did the Cult Master find out about his Ascension of the Nine Dragons mastery?

Or did the Cult Master find out about Darryl's affair with the Cult Mistress?

Damn! His mind buzzed with the thought of that.

The monk carried Darryl while avoiding those patrolling disciples to a room before gently knocking on the door.

This... Isn't this... room the Cult Mistress's room?

"Cult Mistress, he's here." Announced the monk with a deep and powerful voice.

"Hmph, come in." A gentle voice was heard from within the room.

The Monk carried Darryl into the room with her permission and dropped him on the floor before leaving.

'Damn it, at least place me gentler!' Darryl murmured as his body was sore from being thrown, but his eyes soon started going wild when he looked  up.

The Cult Mistress, Monica was sitting on a chair inside her room filled with an enchanting scent. Her exquisite and elegant body was dressed in a purple silk dress with a delicately calm expression on her face.


Darryl could not help but swallow his saliva. The Cult Mistress seemed more enchanting than before.

Monica scowled upon watching his lingering gaze "Darryl, what're you looking at!"

With that, she tossed two nuts from the plate at Darryl which landed on his acupoints and freed him.


Darryl stretched his arms and smiled bitterly. "Cult Mistress, why did you kidnap me here?"

Monica refuted "What do you think? Tomorrow is the Cult Master's birthday. Have you forgotten? As an Elder Master, do you know how serious your crime is if you didn't come? You should thank me for brining you here!

Damn it! Darryl ruffled his hair. He really had forgotten about it.

A few days ago, Skyler Burr called him to remind him, but he was caught up with appraising antiques and the Elixir Competition for the past few days that he had completely forgotten about.

Darryl's eyes sparkled and smiled at Monica. "Cult Mistress, are you worried the Cult Master will kill me if I offended him, therefore you won't be able to see me again?"

A faint blush appeared on her cheek upon hearing that before she glared at Darryl. "How dare you flirt with me!?"

She consciously bit her lips after she spoke. Somehow, she could not stop thinking about Darryl since the last time they parted from reminiscing what happened that night...

Perhaps she had fallen for him after what happened?

No... No way! She was the Cult Mistress!

Monica tried changing the topic. "Darryl, how's the mission I've assigned to you?"

'Hmmpg, she seemed to be excited after seeing me, yet tried to act as if it's nothing.' thought Darryl.

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