Chapter 369

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"Hurry!" Evelyn scoffed, her fingers ready to break the necklace.

Meanwhile, Circe could not stand it anymore.

"Evelyn, that's enough." she said softly.

Although Darryl did turn her down twice and ran away from the villa, perhaps he really did have his reasons.

Evelyn was determined. She shook her head. "Circe, don't feel bad for men like him."

Evelyn smiled as she watched Darryl try so hard to contain her anger. "What now? Do you want to fight me? I'll give you three seconds to wash my feet, or you'll never see the Heart of the Ocean ever again."

"Three!" She called out in a cold tone.


Darryl remained silent, his body trembling as he fought hard to restrain his anger. If he did not give in, Dax's life would be ruined. If Dax died because of this, he would spend the rest of his life living with guilt. Darryl gritted his teeth and walked toward Evelyn. Under the gaze of all the ladies, he knelt in front of Evelyn and gently too off her shoes.

Her feet were fair and clean; they did not need any washing. She only wanted to humiliate him. With his teeth gritted, he placed her feet into the bowl of warm water. He did not want to trigger her further, so he kept the movement gentle without showing any of his anger. He washed her feet with full concentration.

Meanwhile, the ladies broke out in laughter, and some of them even took out their phones to record Darryl as if it was breaking news.

Darryl could feel his cheeks become red, but he had no other choice.

All Evelyn could feel was a pair of big hands massaging her feet with adequate strength. She leaned back slightly, enjoying the bliss. At the same time, she looked down at Darryl. This man had no sense of dignity. How could a man kneel and was a woman's feet in publick!? Calling him a douche was a compliment.

Evelyn kicked off his hands and scoffed. "You look like a dog washing my feet. I don't want to look at you anymore. Take the Heart of the Ocean and get lost." She raised her hand and tossed the necklace toward the door.

In that instant, Darryl was overwhelmed with excitement as he ran towards the door and picked the necklace from the floor. After that, he ran away and disappeared out of sight. He could still hear the laughter coming from the café long after he had left.

By the time he got back to the Sanders mansion, the sky had turned dark. He went straight to the second floor and fed the Heart of the Ocean to Dax.

Knowing that he came back with the Heart of the Ocean, Old Master Sanders and Nancy were delighted. They waited for Dax to wake up till midnight. The doctor came by and checked on Dax, but he shook his head and left.

It was two o'clock in the morning when Old Master Sanders and Nancy became too tired and went back to their bedrooms. Darryl was left alone outside Dax's room.

He knew that Dax was unlikely to wake up ever again after being asleep for so long. Yet, he did not want to leave him. He wanted to stay and wait till he woke up, even if the chances were slim. After a while, Darryl could no longer fight back his fatigue and fell asleep leaning on the wall outside the door.

He was roused awake when he felt someone tapping his shoulder. At first, he thought it was Dax and he opened his eyes in anticipation, he saw it was Nancy instead.

She was dressed in her nightgown, and her body was alluring.

"Darryl, you don't have to wait." Nancy said gently. "Dax probably won't wake up anymore."

"I'm not sleepy. I'll wait for a little longer." Darryl shook his head as he spok with a hoarse voice.

Since he insisted, Nancy nodded and brought him a blanket before returning to her bedroom.

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