Chapter 340

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Darryl put on an innocent face before continuing "Honestly, it truly isn't my intention to..."

"Shut up!"

Evelyn blushed and gritted her teeth as she cut Darryl off and angrily thought 'Darryl is so shameless. He had seen me in the video call that time and us now acting innocent. Such a nasty man.'

However, there was no way for her to retort. She was surrounded by her close friends after all and it would be embarrassing for Evelyn if they knew what happened.

At that moment, Circe walked over and asked with surprise "Evelyn, do you guys know each other? What are you doing?"

Evelyn blushed again and said "Circe, I won't know this scumbag ofcourse."


Darryl had a wry smile on his face and seriously said "No, no, we don't know each other..."

Evelyn gave Darryl a stare and could not help but asked Circe "Why did you bring him here?"

Circe smiled gently and replied "He's here to refine a pill for you."


Darryl was there to refine a pill Evelyn?

Evelyn was stunned and a little anxious. "Circe, stop messing around. How could he know anything about pill refinement?"

Even famous Pill Refining Masters might not be able to refine the pill that Evelyn wanted.

It was even more impossible for Darryl to do it.

At that moment, the other ladies surrounded them and could not hold back their laughter.

"Circe, are you sure this guy knows how to refine pills?"

"Yeah, he looks so dumb. He looks nothing like a person who knows pill refinement."

The ladies covered their mouths and laughed at Darryl after finishing their words.

Circe chuckled and said "He's a man who does know pill refinement."

She turned her head to Darryl and continued "Darryl, do you know how to refine the Yang Pill? Evelyn needs it."

Darryl laughed and said "Yang Pill? Does Evelyn's abdomen hurt when she's on her period? The Yang Pill's function is to manage abdomen pains during menstruation."

"You!" Evelyn stomped her feet in anger. Her abdomen indeed hurts during her periods but the way Darryl said it was too crude.

Circe then explained Evelyn's situation to Darryl.

It turned out Evelyn had been practicing the Immaculate Girl Scripture cultivation method for the past two years.

This cultivation method was rather popular in the martial arts world. Evelyn's power increased drastically after practicing this cultivation method, but there was a downside. The Immaculate Girl Scripture was a Yin-type cultivation method that only females can cultivate using it.

After cultivating the Immaculate Girl Scripture, Evelyn would be in extreme pains during her mesntruation cycles with a chilly feeling all over her body.

Later on, she found that Yang Pill could dispel those chilly energies in her body. Unfortunately, this pill refinement method had been long lost.

Circe tried for years to find the Yang Pill for Evelyn through her personal connections but was still unable to do so.

Evelyn was embarrassed beyond measure with her face as red as tomato. She stomped her feet and said "Circe, how could you tell him everything?"

Darryl had already seen all of Evelyn during that previous video call and he even knows her secrets now. Evelyn felt utterly embarrassed.

Circe smiled as Evelyn was like a little sister to her.

Moreover, Evelyn's matter was not anything shameful that should not be known.

Circe had a serious look on her face as she looked at Darryl and asked "Can you refine the Yang PIll?"

Darryl smiled slightly and nodded. "Lucky for Evelyn, I happen to know how to refine the pill. However, she tried to kill me with a dagger just now, so I won't refine this pill for her. Unless... She begs for it."


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