Chapter 209

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"Lily, now that you're earning so much, let's get a house that you like! I heard that Jade's Windon Real Estate has recently developed some high-end luxury villas. I saw the advertisement on the TV last night, it was breathtaking!" Samantha said.

Lily's eyes sparkled.

Yes, indeed, she had heard that Windon Real Estate recently developed one of Donghai City's most luxurious villas at the highest-rated scene area. She also heard that the price was pretty steep as well, buying a villa there would cost twice as much as anywhere else.

However, she was not short on money recently, she could definitely afford it.

She picked up her phone and dialed Jade. The moment Jade picked up, she asked "Jade, the villa up on the hill, do you still have it? I want to buy one."

"Yeah there are still some units available, why don't you come by and take a look! Unfortunately, I'm currently busy so I don't think I could accompany you. If you want to have a look, I'll get someone to serve you!" Jade laughed.

The two best friends chatted for a while, then hung up.

The next day, Lily and Samantha headed over to the villas. Windon Villas, named as Donghai City's best villas. The surroundings were great- there was a private pool and even a public golf course. Any member of the upper-class society of Donghai City would want to live there.

There was a stream of people coming in and out to view the villas.

When Samantha and Lily arrived, it was already noon.

One of the staff led them to one of the villas. Suddenly, a taxi came from afar. This got everyone's attention. Usually, those who came to view the villas came in luxurious, expensive cars, not some cheap taxi.

The car came to a halt, and a middle-aged couple came down. It was Darryl's parents!

A week ago, Darryl left instructions to reserve the best villa for his parents. When his dad had been discharged, they would live there.

"My, my, isn't that the petty thief's parents?" Samantha smiled sneeringly and approached them. She was surprised to see them here. how could people like them afford the villas here?

"Mother, stop..." Lily tried to stop Samantha, but Samantha did not hear her.

Seeing the mother-daughter duo approaching them, Daniel Darby grimaced. He was in a pretty good mood - planning on seeing their future house - but it went up in smoke the moment he heard Samantha's voice.

"It's such a coincidence to see you two here." Samantha said, trying to hold back her laughter. She added "Are you here to buy a house too?"

Daniel Darby replied coldy "Yes."

"Wow, do you know how much a villa here cost? I'm afraid even if you starve for a lifetime, your family still won't be able to afford one here." Samantha said sarcastically.

She smacked her forehead in feigned surprise and said "I almost forgot! Your son steals phones for a living, I guess if he stole two per day for ten years, you'd probably have a chance of buying the villa!"

"You!" Daniel was fuming with rage. His face flushed, he said "How dare you say that about my son, he is not that type of person!"

Darryl was innocent, being caught stealing phones, there must be a reason behind it! The two Darbys strongly believed that they brought up their son well. Darryl would never do something like that!

Samantha laughed coldly "He's already in prison, yet you still can't face the truth?"

"Mother, stop talking. They're still my parents-in-law..." Lily pleaded softly.

"No! I want to! Darryl was convicted of the crime and locked up in prison! Do you know how embarrassing that is? Why do you still have hopes for him? When he is released, I want you two to get a marriage certificate! I'm done letting this loser live in our house for free." Samantha said angrily.

Daniel was extremely enraged upon hearing Samantha's words. How can someone so beautiful like her be so unreasonable?

However, Daniel held back. he ignored her and said to Luna "Let's go see our house."

Luna nodded and they walked together to the first villa. Darryl arranged for them to stay in the first villa in the front row. This was the villa with the best view of the bay, and it was convenient to get around as well. The feng shui was of the highest grade.

Samantha snickered "Darryl's parents are funny people. They're from the countryside, they can't even afford the cheapest villa here, yet they picked the best one to view?"

As she finished speaking, she was struck dumb. She saw Daniel fish out a key, open the door, and enter.

Why would he have a key? Unless the villa has been bought by them?

When she came to her senses, Samantha nudged the staff and asked "What's happening now, how can you give the key to the villa to anyone to view?"

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