Chapter 232

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Darryl furrowed his eyebrows and was promptly stunned after surveying his surroundings.

What was this place?

Darryl felt the continuous gusts of the sea breeze. He looked around and noticed he was on a small island surrounded by the ocean. What a scenic view.

A huge stone pillar over 150 feet tall stood not far from Darryl. Two large imposing words were elaborately carved on it - Elysian Island!

Elysian Island!?

'Damn, this is Elysian Island?'

Darryl could not help but feel shocked.

Elysian Island was a man-made island situated not too far from Donghai City. It would take roughly three to four hours to reach here by boat.

The island was initially constructed to make use of marine resources, but the project was eventually abandoned for unknown reasons. This island was currently occupied by the Grandmaster Heaven Cult who turned it into their altar.

No one dared to enter Elysian Island unless they had a death wish. The nearby fishermen avoided the island. There were some daring cultivators who wanted to explore the island but were never heard from again.

Truth be told, Elysian Island was truly a beautiful place accompanied by the gentle breeze. It was quite literally Heaven on Earth.

As Darryl was admiring the view, he noticed there were tons of exotic plants nearby!

Damn, there were Heaven Spiritual Herbs, Saint's Fungus, Three-lobed Mulberry Leaves, Bicolor Flower, and even... Monk's Blood Fruit...

These were all precious ingredients for refining pills and elixirs! If Darryl could harvest all these plants, then would he not be able to refine any pill he wanted?!

At that moment, a man wearing a black trench coat approached Darryl and dragged him along. "You're awake? Come with me."

Darryl knew he was the man who knocked him unconscious.

This man was incredibly strong and single-handedly pulled Darryl along. They took the stone steps ahead toward the plaza.

This plaza on the island was as big as eight football fields.

Disciples of the Grandmaster Heaven Cult stood guard along both sides of the steps toward the plaze. The place was heavily guarded with disciples at every few steps.

These people were experts without a doubt. Any of them was atleast as strong as Darryl!

The Grandmaster Heaven Cult has over a hundred thousand disciples all over the continent. However, only about 3,000 resided in Elysian Island's altar.

These 3,000 people were elite disciples with their ranks being atleast a Level Four Master!

Darryl let the man drag him along while his eyes wandered about the surroundings. There was a magnificent cluster of buildings on a nearby hilltop as if it was a palace for the gods. This Grandmaster Heaven Cult's Altar was truly sophisticated.

Darryl was immediately dumbfounded when he arrived at the plaza!

There were over a thousand people lined up in neat rows at the plaza! In front of them was an ornate throne adorned with carvings of numerous dragons.

This Throne of Dragons was aged and appeared to be carved out from an entire block of rosewood! This chair was worth millions!

A woman sat atop the throne. She seemed gentle and dignified with the temperament of a queen!

The 30-odd-years-old woman had a refined facial feature with the beauty of a goddess. She wore a light yellow dress which accentuated her voluptuous curves and had a simply alluring sense of divinity.

This woman was the Cult Mistress of Grandmaster Heaven Cult, Monica Vaughn.


Darryl was surprised to see her and could not help but swallow his saliva.

Darryl never thought he would mee such an exquisite beauty on Elysian Island.

"How dare you look directly at our culy mistress, on your knees!" As Darryl was still fascinated with Monica, a man approached him from behind and viciously kicked the back of his knees.

Darryl lost his balance and immediately knelt down.

Could the woman on the throne really be the Culy Mistress?

The Cult Master of Grandmaster Heaven Cult coddled his Cult Mistress. Therefore, meeting her was like meeting the Cult Master himself. She was in control of more than a hundred thousand Grandmaster Heaven Cult disciples!

'This is bad, I looked directly at the Cult Mistress. Am I going to get beheaded?' thought Darryl anxiously.

Darryl had never felt so anxious in his entire life. He had some good personal connections at Donghai City so had always been able to solve any issues which came his way.

Conversely, Darryl was powerless now that he was on Elysian Island! His fate was in the hands of the Cult Mistress!

"Darryl, right?" said Monica slowly. Her tone of voice was gentle but with a hint of majesty.

Darryl rigidly nodded his head.

"Do you know why I invited you here today?" asked Monica as she stared at Darryl.

'Invited me? Invited? Was knocking me out an invitation?' thought Darryl with a wry smile.

At the same time, Darryl was afraid as he had previously practiced in private the Ascension of the Nine Dragons secret manual which was stolen from their Altar by Skyler.

Could it be the Cult Mistress had learned about the truth and sent someone to deal with Darryl?

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