Chapter 271

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Miles chimed in, insulting Darryl. "A mere live-in son-in-law - how dare you question Declan's elixir? You're just jealous, aren't you?"

Darryl snickered as he looked at Declan.

"Indeed, the elixir you gave her was the Spirit Petrification Elixir. However, did you know that this elixir needs to be kept in a dark, cool, and humid environment? It cannot be exposed to the sun. The Spirit Petrification Elixir is originally a deep dark yellow color. It turns light yellow when exposed to the sun. Since yours is light yellow, I assume it was already exposed to the sun by the time you purchased this from the wandering cultivator." Darryl explaied nonchalantly. The room fell silent.

"So what if it has been exposed to the sun?" Declan questioned with a laugh. "Is it still effective?"

'This pretentious Darryl - thinking that people would believe the nonsense he spews.'

Darryl shook his head. "I don't think it will lose its effect, but there wil be some changes in its properties."

"What would happen if one consumes it?" Declan sneered.

"I wouldn't know." he chuckled.

Indeed, Darryl does not know. He had only skimmed through the Spirit Petrification Elixir section in the 'Infinite Elixir Manual', not studying it thoroughly. He does not know what would happen if someone consumed it after it had been exposed to sunlight.

"Haha! You can't explain, can you?" Declan snickered, seeing how Darryl could not muster an explanation. "You can't go on with your lies anymore. Here I thought that you were an expert."

The others burst into laughter. This pretentious man was such an attention-seeker.

Katherine sighed as she consumed the elixir, refusing to believe Darryl's words.

Miles stood up and jeered. "Darryl, everyone knows who you are. I'm begging you; stop pretending to be an expert. Look at you! You can't even make up any lies. I'm worried about you."


The entire room erupted in laughter once more.

"Let's not get worked up by this live-in son-in-law." Daisy detested. "He's just a know-it-all clown; an absolute idiot."

Katherine glared at Darryl with disapproval. She did not think that he would dare to make such a thing up. What a disappointment he was.

Everyone ignored Darryl after the debacle, continuing to drink and chat with each other.

Darryl sat to the side. Feeling bored, he left to the washroom. As he exited the room, he caught a glimpse of Miles and Declan standing in a corner in a secretive deep conversation.

He crept closer to them out of curiosity to eavesfrop.

"Bloody hell. Daisy, that b*tch! She ordered Romanee-Conti. I'm afraid this meal is going to cost about twenty million bucks or more." Declan said solemnly as he lit a cigarette.

Miles jumped when he heard the figure. "That much?!" His own pocket money was about tens of thousands of bucks per month. This meal costs twenty million, possibly more.

Declan took a puff of the cigarette. He rolled his eyes and said "You think? F*ck, before I enrolled in Hexad's I just asked for twenty million from my dad. That might not even cover this meal!"

Declan was worrieed. He thought that buying a meal for his entire class in Donghai City's best restaurant would only cost about a million bucks or so. Who knew that eating at the Oriental Pearl would be way beyond his expectations? The dinner was coming to an end, but he could not afford it. It was too embarrassing.

Miles pondered momentarily, and his eyes lit up with hope.

"Declan, don't worry." he confidently reassured. "I have an idea! When it's time to pay, we'll act drunk. I'm sure the other rich brats in our class can afford to foot the bill."

"Ofcourse, don't put you hopes on Darryl. That live-in son-in-law is a loser."

Bloody hell.

'What the hell did I do to deserve that?' Darryl thought. He could not help but swear under his breath.

"Yeah, f*ck that Darryl." he jeered. "All I did was give Miss Katherine an elixir, yet he had plenty to say about it."

He returned to the topic at hand. He shook his head and asked "How are we going to act drunk? This meal costs a lot. Who can afford it?"

School had started two days ago, so Declan knew about each classmates' family financial status. Though they were all rich, only a few of them could afford to spend twenty million bucks in a short period.

Miles scratched his head, lost in deep thought. He suddenly slapped his thigh and exclaimed. "Yes! How about Circe Newman? She's the daughter of Kyoto's Newman family. Twenty million bucks is a small amount to her. When we act drunk - and if no one coughs up the money - I'm sure she will offer to pay!"

"I don't think this is appropriate." Declan frowned.

Circe was the Belle of Hexad's. She was a goddess among her classmates. Expecting her to pay on his behalf was too embarassing, not to mention emasculating.

Miles read his thoughts. "Don't worry, just apologize to Circe in school tomorrow." he offered. "Tell her that you were drunk and that you should've paid for it instead. This can be an opportunity for you to get closer to her. You could even use the excuse of paying her back to get her phone number!"

Declan's eyes sparkled while hearing the plan Miles thought of. He pated his back and smiled. "You're a good man to even think of such an idea. Let's do it!"


He could solve his current problem and get the contact of a gorgeous girl in the process - killing two birds with one stone!

They happily went back into the dining room.

Darryl - who listened to their entire conversation - suddenly had an idea. This guy does not have enough money yet he wants to buy a meal for everyone at the Oriental Pearl? Such a phony. he even expected Circe Newman to pay for it? Dream on.

With that, Darryl returned to the dining room.

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