Chapter 277

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Declan stood up as he jeered. "You can't change your ways after all! You still steal out of habit! Are you not one bit embarrassed? You said you found Circe's phone. Can you swear that you found it?"

F*ck. Darryl was trapped. He smiled bitterly and admitted. "Alright, I stol your phone yesterday."

Circe bit her lip as she menacingly glared at Darryl. She had never loathed anyone so badly in her life. This was the first time that someone had stolen something from her.

It was an insult to her to be in the same class with a lowly thief like him.

Darryl scratched his head. "Circe, I don't care what you think of me. I stole your phone for a reason. Yesterday at the Oriental Pearl, Declan knew he couldn't afford to pay for the meal. He wanted to make you pay for it, so I stole your phone to preven it from happening."

'I saved you from spending twenty million bucks!'

Circe's expression was unchanged. She did not believed Darryl.

There was a burst of laughter. Has Darryl lost his marbles? Why did he think of such childish excuse? How could Declan not be able to afford it?

Declan was shocked when he heard Darryl's reason. He frowned. How did Darryl know about his plan yesterday? He looked at Miles suspiciously. Miles was equally stunned as he shook his head, denying that he had told Darryl.

Declan panicked, but he laughed. "Darrly, just admit that you stole her phone. Could you find a better reason? I can't afford it? Do I look like the type of person who could not come up with a mere twenty million bucks?"

Darryl could only let out a chuckle.

Katherine entered the classroom. Looking at the commotion, she asked "What's going on?"

Everyone looked at Darryl.

"Miss Katherine, Darryl stole someone's phone." Declan pointed at Darryl.

Stealing phones?

"Declan, stop bullying Darryl." she frowned. "He might be a live-in son-in-law, but I believe that he won't steal phones. Stop this at once." Katherine defended Darryl.

Declan was unsatisfied with her response. Just as he was about to respond, Katherine walked up to the platform and slammed the textbook onto the table. "Settle down. I have an important announcement to make."

Katherine scanned her surroundings. "I guess you've seen the news. Recently there has been a strong typhoon, which caused a lot of villages to be flooded." she explained. "Many have lost their homes. We, as the Six Orthodox Sects, have to help the poor."

Katherine turned around and wrote something on the board. "The school has decided that we will raise funds for the affected villages." she continued. "I want everyone to donate to the best of their abilities."

Donation? The class started discussing among themselves.

"To encourage students to donate, the school has decided to reward the highest donor in each class." she asserted. "A substantial reward."

What? A reward? Everyone's eyes opened wide in excitement. The Hexad School was no ordinary school. The reward must be something magical, an elixir of sorts.

At the same time, someone asked "Miss Katherine, we don't have cash with us. How do we donate?"

Everyone had the same question in mind. They were all rich, but they rarely carried cash.

"Don't worry." Katherine reassured. "The school has created an online donation platform. You can transfer the money to the school's bank account."

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