Chapter 220

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'Such a domineering tone!' Suddenly, Darryl had an idea; he smiled and said "Tell me, please, who is Ms. Scott? How would she make me suffer?"

The assistant sighed; she thought that the bodyguard was an idiot who wanted to stall instead of apologizing. She shook her head. "This is Miss Sunny Scott, the most popular female celebrity in Dalton Entertainment. You will definitely lose your job if you upset her."

'Oh, Dalton Entertainment? Your president just drank my piss.'

Darryl sneered. Then he said in a calm tone "I don't care who you are. You are in the wrong because you were the one who knocked into me. I'm already giving you face by not demanding an apology from you. Stop bothering me."

'I just gave the president of Dalton Entertainment a lesson, so why would I be afraid of a little celebrity under his company?'

The other guests had gathered to watch the scene. They pointed at Darryl and shook their heads with disapproval.

'This security guard is really something. Why would he oppose a celebrity?'

Sunny kept a straight face, but she was furious. "Just you wait. Are you confident because yopu got a job as a security guard after leaving your home in the rural area? How dare you contradict my words!"

There was a commotion from the direction of the washroom before Dalton Zander appeared. The two bodyguards supported him.

The three of them were utterly drenched.

Dalton looked extremely distressed. He had rinsed himself with tap water, but the stench was nowhere near gone. He was extremely disgusted!

"President Zander."

Joy illuminated Sunny's face when she saw him. She called out in a coquettish voice and approached him hurriedly.

Sunny stomped her feet in anger and complained "President Zander, that security guard knocked into me!"

Sunny furrowed her brows and covered her nose.

'Why is there a stench on President Zander?'

However, Sunny did not put her mind to it.

"Who? Who dares to offend Sunny Scott?" Dalton exploded in furry.

His lust for women was commonly known fact, and many of the of the female celebrities in his company had slept with him. Sunny was his then-current target, so he had to stand up for her when she was bullied. He had to play the hero for her!

"Him." Sunny turned and pointed to Darryl, who stood nearby.


Dalton gulped when he realized that it was Darryl; the drastic change of expression on his face was hilarious! The memory of the horrifying scene in the washroom was still vivid for him.

"Dalton Zander, it looks like Dalton Entertainment's management isn't up to standard; you can't even manage your celebrity well." Darryl walked toward him with a fake smile. "She doesn't even have basic manners, although she is a public figure. Why don't I give you a lesson on how to manage your employees?"

"How dare you act like this when you're just an insignificant security guard -" Sunny said coldy as she pointed a finger at Darryl; her delicate face looked furious.

Dalton interrupted her with a sudden roar. "Shut your mouth!"

D*mn! He could not afford to offend him agan after he drank the man's piss! A wise man would always know to pick his battle!

Sunny's body trembled from shock, and she kept silent with confusion in her eyes.

'What's the matter with President Zander?'

He never spoke that loudly at her.

Dalton grabbed Sunny's hair before she could react and dragged her toward Darryl.

"Apologized, right now! This is President Darby, the President of Platinum Corporation. Apologize, daft woman!" Dalton panicked and shouted.

Sunny squirmed from the pain, and she finally understood that the 'security guard' was not someone she could afford to offend! Sunny quivered before she decided to give up on her pride and ego.

"I'm sorry; it was my fault." Sunny bit her lips after she said that to Darryl in a soft voice.


It caused an uproar in the crowd.

What had happened?

The imperious Dalton Zander had given in someone else?!

Even Sunny Scott, who was famous for her bad temper in the entertainment industry, had apologized to the man!

Darryl looked at Dalton with a smile. "Hmm, that's better. Be more careful next time."

He walekd away after he said those words.

"F*ck!" Dalton gritted his teeth in anger with a bitter expression as he stared at Darryl's back.

He had to take revenge for what had happened that day, or he did not deserve to be a man!

'I will treat your wife and your family how you treated me today!'

Dalton clenched his fists tightly as his fat face quivered in anger.

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