Chapter 325

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Lily felt so emotional as she stood at the side.

Even though she did not have much knowledge in antiques, she had heard about Simon Joe; he was always at antique events. She did not expect Simon had so much respect for her husband.

Darryl ended the call and threw the painting aside. Then, he said "Mister Austin, you said that if the painting is a fake, you will retire from the antique business."

"I—" Austin was furious. Suddenly, he dropped to the ground; he had fainted.

Darryl smiled and then turned to look at Kingston. "Mister Young, when I walked in here just now, I saw an engraved vase from the Qing Dynasty at the third stall on the left. It is worth buying if it is priced below 20 million bucks."

Even though Darryl spoke softly, many in the crowd heard him.

"Let's go get it!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone rushed toward the third stall!

Everyone believed Darryl's words; no one would doubt him!

Kingston was worried; at his age, how could he reach the third stall fast enough?

After everyone left, Darryl smiled and said to Kingston "Mister Young, don't worry, let them go. The twelfth stall on the right, there is an antique sword worth buying at 20 million bucks. The sixteenth stall on the left, there is a lamp that was used in the palace, and it's worth buying at 10 to 20 million bucks. I shall bid you goodbye then."

Then, Darryl turned and left as he held onto Lily's hand.

'Darryl is such a rare talent! He is a miracle in the antiques' field. No wonder Yvonne can't share a husband with another woman, right?' Kingston thought.


Away from Greenway Road, Darryl walked as he held onto Lily's hand. Lily's mind was still blank, though.

Was that man her husband? That man knew everything; how did she not realized that earlier?

Eversince she married Darryl, all her relatives laughed at Darryl. They said that he was a useless person; he knew nothing.

Lily felt guilty about that. She hugged Darryl and said "I'm sorry, Dear."

Darryl was walking when she touched him. He stopped and patted her on her shoulder. "What happened? Why are you apologizing to me?"

"Dear, I have not been treating you well all this time. I am so sorry. I will make it up to you; I will never leave you." Lily said softly as she hugged Darryl tighter.


After they left Greenway Road, Darryl and Lily wnet to another mall and theme park.

Finally, after they watched a movie that ended at around 10pm, they headed home.

Lily was delighted that day. That was her happiest day after she got married for three years. They were so tired from shopping; they went straight to bed.

The next morning, Darryl was still asleep when his cellphone rang.


Who would call so early in the morning? It was barely seven in the morning. Darryl reluctantly looked at his cellphone. It was Isabela.

"Darryl, the Elixir Competition is today. I shall wait for you in front of the school. Hurry." Isabela said gently.

He had almost forgotten about that.

Darryl slapped his forehead and quickly got up to change.

Once he reached the Hexad School gate, he saw Isabela was already waiting for him.

She looked perfect; her hair was long, and she wore a pair of light blue jeans.

Darryl gulped as he walked toward her. "You are early, Miss Isabela."

Isabela smiledand said "The competition starts at eight, it is not too early now. Let's go."

Darryl was curious. "Where is the Elixir Competition held?"

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