Chapter 262

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With that in mind, Jade glared at Jack "What are you still doing here? Get lost!"

Jack trembled and staggered up. He was sad and disheartened as he had anticipated to get the keys today and have a good time with Lisa. Yet this happened.

'This was all Lisa's fault for being such a gold digger!' Jack thought.

After walking away, Lisa asked him softly "Where are we going tonight?"

"Damn you! Go wherever you want, and get lost! I don't want to see you again!" Jack yelled.

If it were not for her vanity, Jack would not have offended someone he could never afford to offend. He even got Jade into trouble. After yelling at Lisa, he snatched his hand back and marched away.

Meanwhile, Dora looked at Darryl with curiousity. 'Who was he?'

Darryl did not feel like exploring the area any longer, so he said goodbye to Dora and went to get some fruits from the supermarket. he hummed joyfully on his way back home.

However, the moment he stepped into the villa, Samantha walked out of her room. Seeing Darryl, she felt agitated. "How are you not ashamed to come home now? You left my daughter and had to steal things to survive."

When he stole the phones, the police came here to inform them. It was so embarrassing for Samantha.

She looked at the fruit basket in Darryl's hand.

"I won't eat the fruits bought with stolen money. Go and divorce my daughter tomorrow morning, understand?" Samantha mocked.

Darryl smiled and stayed silent. In the past three years, Darryl was used to Samantha's harsh words, so he was unperturbed. He placed the fruit basket on the table and glanced around the villa. It was so much better than where they lived before.

Seeing the calm look on Darryl, Samantha yelled "I'm talking to you! Did you hear me? Are you deaf or dumb?"

'This trash hadn't come home in so long; he's forgotten his manners.' Samantha thought.

Meanwhile, Lily rushed out of her room. "Mom, please don't make a scene. I asked him to come back."

Samantha thought she heard it wrong.

'What was wrong with Lily today? Why would she ask this trash to come home?' she wondered.

"Why do I have such a disappointing daughter like you? Why would you miss trash like him? Didn't the guy Donoghue send you lots of gifts when you met up with him? Didn't you say he was amazing? Why are you back with this trash?" Samantha scoffed.

Lily blushed as she was embarrassed. She did not tell Samantha what happened a few days ago, as she did not want her to worry. Samantha still thought that Donoghue was a good man.

"Mom, don't mention Donoghue again. I won't leave Darryl." Lily panicked.

This triggered Samantha. Since her daughter was acting strange, she mocked Darryl "Darryl, tell me. What drugs did you feed my daughter? Why can't she think straight?"

Darryl smiled but did not reply. He reclined nonchalantly on the sofa, not bothered by Samantha's yelling.

Samantha stomped her feet and pulled on Lily's wrist. "Come with me to the bedroom."

Samantha had decided that no matter what it took, she wants her daughter to divorce that trash today. Lily helplessly followed her mother to the room.

After both of them left, Darryl stood up slowly and walked towards the kitchen. He had been eating out the past few days, but now that he was home, he wanted to cook some dishes. He picked up a newly bought casserole dish in the kitchen and laughed to himself. 'Hmph, this casserole dish is just right for refining pills! Haha!'

Darryl put on an apron and started refining pills while making dinner.

Ten minutes later, Darryl covered the casserole dish and waited for the rice to be cooked. He was bored while waiting, so he took out the "Shadow Skills" from his bag. He did not have time to read it since the Cult Mistress gave it to him. Now was the perfect time to read it.

On the first page, the introduction stated: [The man who steals had been known as a thief, a gentleman of knowledge, a flying thief, and there are sects of stealing, such as...]

"Damn it! Why are they all the same? So pretentious." Darryl muttered, but it was not long before he was hooked on the contents of the book. The Cult Mistress was right; this was indeed an interesting read.

The stealing techniques used by modern-day thieves were considered unprofessional. This included using tools such as using long tweezers to steal a phone from a lady's bag.

However, there were at least a thousand types of stealing techniques recorded in the memoir. For instance, 'Bump-steal' was when the theif stole the item as they bumped into their target. Another technique was teh 'Cut-steal' which was using a small cutting knife to cut open the lady's bag/cloth to take out the item. Another cool technique was the 'Powder-steal' which was to apply powder on the skin, and when the target walked past the thief, the victim's mind would go blank for a second. In that one second, the thief would steal the item.

Darryl nodded with excitement. 'This was indeed a treasure! The person who wrote this was genius!'

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