Chapter 321

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Kingston chuckled proudly after he heard Matt's appraisal for the painting.

He had chosen correctly! Matt had cleared all of Kingston's doubts in his analysis. That was the standard of an internationally renowned antique appraisal master's apprentice.

Besides that, Matt looked really handsome. What a perfect match with her daughter!

Yvonne nodded her head in agreement too.

Matt's antique appraisal talent was really impressive.

The antique seller, Austin, gave Matt a thumbs up. "Looks like you are a professional, Mister! You analyzed the painting so easily, and clearly."

Matt smiled proudly but did not reply. As an apprentice to a famous antique appraisal master, he had gotten used to all the attention and compliments.

Kingston laughed happily and said "Fine then, Austin, I shall buy it!"

One billion bucks! Even though he needed to spend his entire fortune, he still felt that it was worth it. If he sold the painting later, he would quickly gain 3 billion bucks.

Yvonne was delighted; she could not take her eyes off the painting.

All the other collectors and merchant sighed. Since Kingston had bought the painting, they would not have the chance to buy it anymore. They had lost a tremendous money-making oppotunity!

"Congratulations, Mister Young!"

"Yes, Mister Young, you will make another fortune!"

A few antique sellers congratulated Kingston.

Kingston smiled brightly; he was so eager to make the payment. Suddenly, a calm voice spoke. "When did Watt Thompson paintings become so common that it landed on a normal antique stall?"

It was Darryl!


Suddenly, all eyes were on him.

Who was that guy? Was there something wrong with him? What rubbish did he spout?

Matt immediately looked upset. He had just mentioned that the painting was a genuine one. What did Darryl try to imply?

"Yvonne, why is he here?" Kingston asked annoyingly. He asked for Matt, so why was Darryl there too?

Once Kingston saw Darryl, he recalled the time he saw Darryl tied all the three ladies together, and one of them was his daughter.

Kingston was furious when he remembered that!

Yvonne did not say a word. She took the painting and handed it to Darryl. She said softly "Please take a look at the painting, Darryl."

Yvonne did not think further. She felt that something must be wrong if Darryl decided to speak out about it.

Matt was upset when he saw what Yvonne had done.

'He is only a live-in son-in-law. Does he think that his antique appraisal skills are stronger that mine?' Matt thought.

Darryl took a glance at the painting and said calmly, "This is not a bad painting, but it's a little far off from Watt Thompson's skill level."


Did he say that the painting was fake?

Suddenly everyone started to discuss, and the atmosphere was quite chaotic.

The antique seller was angry. "Young man, what do you mean? Are you saying that my painting is fake? Everyone in the antique business knows me, and they know that I have a rule for myself. Even if I don't make any money, I would never sell fake antiques!"

Everyone nodded; they agreed with Austin. He had told the truth; Austin had never sold any fake antique!

Kingston could not hold it anymore, and he shouted "Darryl, I know there is some imitation antique in the market. You are still young, and you may make some mistakes. Do you know who Matt is? He is the famous antique appraisal master, Simon Joe's apprentice."

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