Chapter 263

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The next morning, Lily woke Darryl up. "Wake up; we need to go to school."

Darryl stretched and sat up slowly. He was so hooked by the book last night that he went to bed late.

Lily handed him clothes. "Go wash your face, and I'll make you breakfast." She turned and went to the kitchen.

Darryl was shocked by the warm and fuzzy feeling lingering in his heart. In the past three years, Lily had never made him breakfast. Darryl used to prepare their meals for them, but now her attitude had changed entirely. He was still not used to it.

Today was their first official day at The Hexad School. By the time Darryl arrived, almost every student from every class had arrived.

'Weird. Why was Dax not in? Did he oversleep?' Darryl thought.

As Darryl stepped into the class, he frowned. His headteacher taught the first period on human acupoints.

Katherine wrote: [Human Acupoints] on the board, and started teaching. "The temple, also known as the strange acupoint outside our meridian, is a vital part of the human body and one of the deadly points. If one were hit on the temple, one would faint or die. The Baihui acupoint belongs to the central channel meridian, situated on the top of the head. In the cultivation world, when the cultivator mentions the 'Three Flower Head' he's referring to this acupoint."

Katherine taught with a serious tone, and nobody dared to make a noise. After all, she was a Martial Marquis; who would want to cause trouble?

Katherine taught in detail, and the girls in the class listened with full attention. However, many of the boys were not paying as much attention as their eyes kept lingering on Katherine's body, checking her out. Today, she was dressed in a tight dress, making her body look sexy and classy.

With a beautiful teacher on the podium, who could focus?

To be fair, she was beautiful, but that was not the most attractive part of her. It was her being a Level One Martial Marquis that made her stand out from the other beautiful women.

Darryl was in no mood to admire her. He held onto his phone anxiously.

'What happened? Why was Dax not here?' he thought as he sent Dax a message.

Not long after, his phone lit up with a message from Dax.

[Darryl, I'm Nancy. Something happened, and Dax is now in th hospital.]

'Huh? Hospital, again?' he thought.

Darryl's face darkened as he replied [What happened? Why was he admitted to the hospital again? Was it because of the Dixon family?]

Nancy replied quickly [Not the Dixons. It was Brandon and Abby Guy.]

Brandon and Abby were Dax's enemies for a very long time. If they didn't hate Dax so much, they would not have kidnapped Nancy that time.

Brandon was still upset at not being able to get Nancy the other time. Brandon learned that Dax went to The Hexad School yesterday, and his wife Nancy took over, so Brandon took this opportunity to bring his men to the Sanders yesterday to kidnap her.

However, Grandpa Saul was there too, and he would not let them kdinap his daughter-in-law. Since he had eaten the Godly Pill, he had become a Level One Martial Marquis, so he was able to fight and beat everyone. However, due to his old age, he still ended up being stabbed by Brandon before he left.

When Dax returned home that night and heard what happened to Grandpa, he was enraged and brought a hundred or so men to Brandon. Yet they fell into his trap.

Brandon knew Dax would come to seek revenge, so he had his men waiting for Dax. As expected, Dax was punched by Brandon once he got there, but he persisted and continued to fight.

When Dax made it back to the Sanders palace, he collapsed and haas not woken up since.

'Damn it!' Darryl cursed to himself.

If he saw this coming, he would not have sold the Godly Pill to the Guy family.

Darryl took a deep breath and sent a message to Abby: [Did you cause trouble for Dax again?]

'This woman hit Dax and still expected him to teach her how to teach her how to refine pills? In her dreams!' Darryl thought.

As Darryl was typing, he smelt a faint floral scent. He looked up instinctively and was caught off guard.

Somehow, Katherine had walked to his seat and stood infront of him. She looked at him coldly.

Everyone in the class was smiling.

'Haha! The live-in son-in-law is in trouble again!'

Katherine slammed his table. "Darryl, was running a hundred laps too little for you? What do you think you're doing? Who permitted you to play with your phone in class?"

Darryl nodded bitterly.


Rebecca looked out of the window from the second floor at the Darrby mansion and bit her lips as she caressed her slightly rounded belly. The baby was Darryl's, but she did not know if it was right to keep the baby.

In the yard, Old Master Darby sat on a chair as he watched his family members in front of him.

Seven people were practicing their sword moves against one another in the space in front of Old Master Darby. They were practicing the Big Dipper Formation. Among the seven of them were Florian, Yumi, Jack, and four other younger family members. Their steps kept on changing and overlapping, and the swords seemed to be all over the place. Their moves seemed to be all over the place at first, but you would realize that they were all well synchronized when you looked closely. They frequently changed positions, from a cross formation, then parallel lines, and so on.

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