Chapter 368

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'Why was she so difficult!?' Darryl thought furiously.

He would do anything to save Dax's life. Without hesitation, he bowed in front of Evelyn and said sincerly "Miss Evelyn, I'm begging you. Please give me the Heart of the Ocean."

Evelyn looked at him and shook her head with a smile. "Nope, that wasn't sincere enough."

Darryl was speechless. 'Damn it, why don't I just dig out my heart and give it to her to show my sincerity!?'

As he was thinking, he heard Evelyn demand "Kneel and beg me."

Darryl's face darkened while the ladies could not help laughing out loud. All of them sat on chairs with coffees in their hands, anticipating the unfolding event. Circe wanted to say something, but she could not under the peer pressure.

Darryl took a deep breath. he felt a flame igniting in his heart, and his body trembling with anger. A man only kneels to God and his parents. He clenched his fists and wanted to lash out, but he could not. He had no choice; without the Heart of the Ocean, Dax would die.

"Acting cool, eh? Evelyn scoffed. "I'm running out of patience. If you don't kneel, I'll destroy this." She squeezed the necklace.

"No!" Darryl groaned like a mad man. "I'll kneel. I'll kneel."

Suddenly, he fell on his knees in front of Evelyn. As the ancient saying went: a man's knees were as precious as gold, and no man should kneel in front of anyone besides God and his parents. However, it was Dax's life at stake. What choice did he have?

'Haha! He actually did it! So unmanly!' the ladies giggled to themselves.

"I beg you to hand me the Heart of the Ocean!" Darryl said through gritted teeth.

Evelyn looked at him with satisfaction. However, antoher thought occured to her. "Do you think you'll get it by kneeling? How ignorant!"

At this instant, Darryl shivered, and his fists tightned. He was using all his strenght to restrain himself from lashing out.

Evelyn smiled faintly and called out to a staff member "Bring me a bowl of warm water."

The staff was confused. Why would someone ask for a bowl of warm water at the café? However, since they rented the entire café, the staff member had to do what he was told. Not long after, the staff member brought a bowl of warm water to Evelyn.

Evelyn said to Darryl with a smile "Well, I can give the Heart of the Ocean to you, on one condition. Come and wash my feet. Then, I'll give it to you. Don't worry; I always keep my promise."

All the ladies laughed out loud. 'Evelyn was so good at humiliating people! Haha! She was literaly walking all over Darryl's dignity!'

Meanwhile, Darryl's eyes were bloody red.

"Huh? What are you staring at? Are you going to wash my feet or not?" Evelyn scowled at him as her hand threatened to squeeze the necklace again.

Darryl stared at her as waves of anger tried to burst out of him.

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