Chapter 253

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The car itself was crazy enough, but on top of that, there were hundreds of men guarding it. The scene was truly amazing. The person inside the car must be someone important and could not be compared to a small family.

'Who could it be? A student at teh school?' everyone wondered.

All eyes were glued to the vehicle as it slowly came to a hald. The hundreds of men stood in two lines, and the lead guard opened the door.

A sexy and attractive lady came out of the Lincoln.

Everyone held their breath.

'Gorgeous! She was so gorgeous!' everyone thought.

She was dressed in a long, black dress and exuded an air of style and elegance. Her body wa so captivating. Not only the ordinary men stared at her, but even the wealthy kids stared at her without blinking!

"God! She came to the school, too?" someone screamed with excitement, and the area was in an uproar again.

The Newman family from Kyoto was a big family with a long history, and they had properties and businesses all over the palce. Not only that, a few of the family members were the Elders of Tianshan School. Nobody would have thought that the heires of the Newman family would be here.

"Circe Newman is so beautiful! I'd be happy to die just to spend a night with here!" someone exclaimed.

"In your dreams! She's way out of our league." someone replied.

As everyone was talking among themselves, a staff member put up a name list on the board.

"The class arrangement list is out!" someone screamed.

The list clearly stated who was going to which class. In an instant, everyone gathered around the board.

Meanwhile, a private car pulled over, and Darryl and Dax got out.

'Damn it. There are so many people?' Darryl thought.

Darryl was shocked by the number of people at the square. The traffic was horrible on their way here, and he thought it would be less crowded at school, but he was wrong. After all, this was a school built by the Six Sect. Even the gate was majestic and was as wide as forty meters long. On the left side of the gate, 'Six Sect' was carved while 'The Hexad School' was inscribed on the right side.

"Damn it, Darryl. The list is out already! Let's go and have a look!" Dax said.

There were too many people, and it took them quite a while before finding out which class they were in.

"Hahaha, Darryl! Both of us are in the same class. My two cousins too! The four of us are going to be in the same class." Dax laughed.

Darryl looked again and saw that the four of them were in Year One Class Sixteen.

"Darryl!" a familiar voice called.

A familiar figure walked toward Darryl; it was Lily.

When she appeared, everyone stared at her as all the men wondered who would be lucky enough to be in the same class as her.

Stopping in front of Darryl, she pulled on Darryl's hand. "Darryl, are you still mad at me? I'm very sorry."

Her voice was small, and only Darryl could have heard it, but he did not answer her. Nor did he want to speak to her.

"Lily, you're here too? Haha." Dax greeted as he walked over.

Although he was severely wounded because of her, she was still Darryl's wife, so he forgave her.

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