Chapter 308

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Dax would definitely look for the Dixon family for revenge if he knew.

He would be at a disadvantage as the Dixon family was way too powerful. Darryl would rather hand everything to Caelan.

Dax grinned "I see, you must have been getting all lovey-dovey with Lily at home. By the way, our teacher was looking for you yesterday."


Darryl was stunned before he remembered the few missed calls from her, he forgot to return her calls. Her strength must be dropping substantially these few days.

Circe Newman who was seated in front turned suddenly and threw him a note.


Dax grabbed onto Darryl's arm as if he got a stroke!

'What's happening? Why is the beauty sending me a note?'

Darryl fell into a daze as Dax leaned into him excitedly and asked with surprise "Wow, Darryl, you've gotten clost to the campus belle within these few days?"

Darryl chuckled "Yeah."

He unfolded the note and it was written 'Are you free tonight? I'll buy you dinner.'

'Haha. She is pretty persistent.'

He was pulled away by Katherine and went to the library to cultivate the last time she treated him to a meal.

He totally forgot about that and he did not expect Circe to remember.

Dax peeked at the note and got even more surprised. "Sh*t, is this for real?"

Circe was the cold campus belle of the entire Hexad School.

She always had an icy-cold attitude and she never gave any guys a second glance, not even the outstanding ones.

'Why is she asking Darryl out for dinner?'

Noticing the surprise on Dax's face, Darryl smiled and said "Fine, stop looking at me like that. You can come with me."

How could he forget his friend to a meal with a beauty?

Dax was ecstatic.

Darryl scribbled an 'I have time later.' on the note and passed it back.

An elegant figure walked into the classroom right after Darryl passed the note. She had a graceful and serene aura with shoulder-length hair. It was their elixir instructor, Isabela Monte.


The boys in the classroom stared at Isabela without blinking as she entered.

There were two attractive teachers in Class Sixteen, their class teacher Katherine Keith and Isabela Monte.

Katherine was strict despite her pretty appearance.

Isabela was gentler in comparison.

Isabela smiled and spoke "Class, I have explained about the production of elixirs two days ago but the theory is very different from practice so we will do something practical today. We will be going to the elixir producing room for today's class."

The class clamored.

None of them had anything to do with elixirs before this, elixir production was a complete mystery in their minds!

The elixir producing room of the Hexad School had an ancient atmosphere with many precious herbs stored inside.

The class queued in front of the elixir boiling pot.

Isabela was the first in line and she instructed softly "Do not simply touch the apparatus in the room. Today, I will demonstrate how to produce a Blood Clotting pill. Blood Clotting pills are very effective to treat internal injuries, it is a type of healing medicine."

She took a few ingredients and heated the boiling pot to produce the pills.

The students were beaming with excitement as it was their first time witnessing pill production. They watched intensely without blinking as they were afraid to miss anything.


Darryl could not help but frown suddenly.

He was aware that Blood Clotting pills were extremely common pills and producing them would not require complicated steps.

However, Isabela missed an ingredient, the Ice Coagulating Herb.

The herb was cooling in nature and it would function to adjust the heat in the pill production process.

The boiling pot might burst without it!

Darryl had voice out "Miss Monte, wait."

However, it was too late as Isabela already closed off the lid and the flames beneath it were already burning.

Isabela looked at Darryl in curiosity and asked in a gentle and pleasant voice "Yes? Do you have any questions?"

The students fixed their unfriendly gazes on Darryl.

It was rare occasion that their instructor was demonstrating pill production. What was he going to do again at that time?

Darryl smiled at Isabela "Miss Monte,you should out out the fire."

Producing a Blood Clotting pill would only take three minutes.

Half a minute already passed by then.

The pot would burst in just another two minutes. The students would be injured if the flame was not put out.

Suny jolted and smiled "Why should I do that?"

There were many forbidden rules in the process of pill producing since ancient times and putting out fires in the middle of the process was on of them as it would cause damage to the burning pot.

Isabela remembered that she told the class about that before. 'He must've been dreaming in class.'

She was a little displeased.

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