Chapter 297

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The Young family's house, Donghai City.

Yvonne who just had dinner with her family stood in front of the window by herself.

She was uneasy because of her lack of Darryl's information in the past two days.

'What is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about him every night although I'm well aware that he's in love with Lily Lyndon?'

She thought of how he helped her in evaluating valuables in Pearl Pavillion.

She also thought of him courageously rescuing her from the shark during their outing.

Then, she thought of his dauntless bravery while fighting the robbers.

Those scenes were imprinted in Yvonne's mind as if they were stamped.

Explosive noises were heard as fireworks blossomed in the sky in Atlantic Street's direction. The colorful lights lit up the sky in an instant.

How beautiful.

The fireworks grabbed Yvonne's attention.

Two names appeared in midst of the fireworks. Yvonne was stunned as she read them.

They were Darryl and Lily's names.

'Are they at Atlantic Street now?'

What a grand firework show.

He seemed like he really loved her...

Yvonne felt an unfathomable bad feeling.

Atlantic Street.

Darryl and Lily were still locked in an embrace.

Everyone was fixing their gazes on them. Some were envious and some were wishing them happiness.


Someone shouted.

Countless voices chanted along the next moment.

"Exactly, kiss!"

"Come on, kiss! Haha!"

Lily's face was flushed with embarrassment from the chanting but she felt immense joy internally.

It was embarrassing because the crowd was huge. Darryl smiled as he stared at Lily before he moved closer to kiss her rosy lips.


Lily's body quivered as her legs gave way instantly and she slumped into Darryl's arms.


The crowd applauded and laughed, many were recording the scene with their phones when a commotion was heard nearby.


Someone shouted in teh crowd and everyone started scurrying around!

More than 30 men in black clothing were dashing over from a distance with daggers!

The person leading the troop was a middle-aged man named Timothy Dixon, Donoghue's father. He was the head of the Dixon family!

Donoghue barely survived after getting beaten up by Darryl after getting rescued in teh hospital for three days straight.

Timothy was furious when he got to know that his son was almost killed. He swore to take revenge for his son! He would get Darryl that day and he must die!

"Finish him!" bellowed Timothy, his eyes red with fury!

The 30 men charged toward Darryl in no time!

Darryl clenched his fists tight. He could tell that those were the Dixon family's men.

Timothy looked extremely similar to Donoghue Dixon, he was clearly his father.

Darryl had no way to run as Atlantic Street was filled with visitors, he could only face them!

Darryl grabbed a guitar and charged!

Lily was anxious and she wanted to help, but Jade stopped her in time.

"Those are bad men, you will not be of great help. How about we call teh cops?" asked Jade anxiously as she took out her phone to call the police.

However, no one picked up the phone.

The policemen were out in force to maintain public order instead of staying in because it was the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Jade understood what happened when her call was not picked up. She called out Phoebe who was still in a daze. "Let's go and look for the cops near the intersection. Hurry!"

Darryl was engaged in a fight with the men within a few seconds.

Thump... Thump...

Darryl's internal energy was a lot more refined than before ever since he practiced the Pure Energy Scripture. he knocked out the few men who were charging toward him effortlessly in the blink of an eye.

However, the men Timothy brought with him were the elites of the Dixon family who were remarkably strong. The few men who were knocked out rested to catch their breath before leaping back up and charged toward Darryl again.


Darryl dodged a dagger and gave the man a kick on his stomach!

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