Chapter 387

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Katherine's slap was deafening in the quiet environment. Darryl felt his face burn.

The students were jeering softly at him. They enjoyed seeing him being punished.

Darryl was only a meter away from Katherine―he could even smell the perfume on her. He could not deny that Katherine had a great body.

However, this was the second time she slapped him!

Darryl wanted to get angry, but the Discipline Master was here. If he threw a tantrum, he might get expelled from Hexad's―how was he going to steal the manuals? He had to hold back.

"Darryl, do you think that this school is your house, where you could fight whenever you want? If you can't study, then I suggest you leave!" Katherine yelled coldly, slapping him again.


The red marks on Darryl's face were pronounced.

"Run fifty rounds around the field." Katherine commanded.

Darryl said nothing as he clenched his fis tightly.

"Are you deaf? Did you not hear me? I'll say it once more. Run fifty rounds around the field. Now" Katherine frowned.

Darryl took a long breath before he walked to the field and started running under the hot sun.

He had to run another fifty rounds? Darryl sweated profusely. The last time he ran, he was almost half dead. He slumped on the floor and took deep breaths.

Then, he saw Katherine approached him with a bottle of water in her hand.

Katherine bit her lips as she whispered "Darryl, you must be thirsty. I brought you some water."

Darryl did not accept the water. "What are you doing, Miss Katherine?" He smirked. "Feeling guilty for slapping me?"

His cheeks were still red from her slaps.

Katherine was slightly anxious. "Darryl, I had no choice." she replied. "You saw what happened. I had to punish you infront of the Discipline Master."

She lowered her head and begged. "Darryl, don't be mad at me. Please?"

Darryl laughed. He took the bottle and gulped some water down. "Since you've pleaded, how could I hold a grudge against you?" he replied.

He stood up and walked off.

"Darryl, wait!" Katherine called after him.

He turned to see Katherine biting her lips. She was slightly hesitant as she asked "Darryl, could you follow me to my office? I have something to talk to you about."

They headed back to the office. In her office, Darryl slumped onto the couch. He took the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. He just ran fifty rounds―he was exhausted.

Katherine locked the door from the inside, then she turned around and asked Darryl "Darryl, the last time you said you had a solution to prevent me from losing ranks. Was it true?"

Katherine had become an ordinary person. She was extremely anxious and did not know what to do.

'Ah, so it's because of this.' Darryl sneered silently in his heart nad nodded. "Yes, but I remembered when I told you that Declan gave you a faulty elixir, you did not trust me. I also remembered clearly that you told me not to fabricate lies."

"I trust you, Darryl." Katherine panicked. "Help me, please."

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