Chapter 319

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Outside the mall, Yvonne, Matt, Darryl, and Lily walked as they chatted with each other.

Lily suggested they go to dinner, and everyone agreed unanimously.

While they talked, Yvonne's cell phone rang. It was her father, Kingston.

Kingston's voice came through once the call connected. "My dear daughter, how did your date go? Matt is quite the gentleman, right?"

Most of his matchmaking efforts for his daughter had failed, and Kingston had come to a conclusion.

Yvonne rejected all the candidates because she had Darryl in her heart.

What was so special about  Darryl? He only had some skills in appraising antiques.

When he realized that fact, Kingston immediately contacted Matt. That man might still be very young, but he had excellent skills in appraising antiques too! He was the world-renowned antique appraiser, Simon Joe's apprentice!

Darryl's skill was of no match to Matt. Besides that, Matt was also smart and committed. There was no reason for Yvonne not to like him.

"My dear daughter, tell me, what do you think of Matt?" Kingston asked impatiently.

Yvonne did not want to let her father down, so she replied briefly "Fine..."

"Just fine?" Kingston sighed. "You are so picky."

Then she heard Kingston shouted.

"Hey, Boss, how much for the painting?" It seemed like he was in a crowded and chaotic place; the conversation seemed to be centered on painitings. After a few moments, Kingston was back in the conversation. "My dear daughter, I just found a unique painting. Come with Matt, please. I need him to appraise it. Hurry up!"

Then he hung up.

Yvonne was speechless. Her father had remembered Matt when it came to antiques. It semed like her father wanted to choose a successor for himself instead of a son-in-law.

She had just met Darryl, and she did not want to leave so soon.

Yvonne had an idea. "Darryl, would you want to go take a look as well?"


Darryl was reluctant to go. He would rather go shopping with his wife than going for an antique appraisal.

Before he could open his mouth, though, Lily held his hand and said "Let's go, since Yvonne has graciously invited us."

Lily was grateful for Yvonne when she tried to help clear Darryl's name when he was accused of theft earlier that day.

Darryl smiled and said "Sure, let's go take a look."

"Let's go."

Yvonne was very excited, and she smiled widely.

However, Matt was disappointed. 'Why does this guy have to be there on every occasion?' he thought. Matt was smart man; he knew that Yvonne was interested in Darryl. What was so special about him? Yvonne got so excited when the man agreed to tag along with them.


At Maple Street.

Mapple Street was named for the maple trees planted along the street. It was also famous for the antique businesses that had set up shop there.

When the weather was most comfortable in mid-September, the owners would join forces to hold an antique festival on that famous street.

Antique lovers from all over Donghai CIty crowded the street. Antique collectors from all over the world would also be at Maple Street to find more treasures for their collection.

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