Chapter 212

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The world was unpredicatable. Life was indeed a box of chocolates. However, Darryl could not really fathom the surprises.

Being the Hall Master for both the infamous cults would be a little...

"Why not?" exclaimed Chester. "I am the brain behind the plan to set up a hall in Donghai City, so I have the final say in who is the Hall Master, and I'm saying that you are!"

Chester laughed again. "According to our customs, someone with the position of a Hall Master has to greet me - the military adviser. I'll let you off the hook since you're my bro! Hahaha!"

F*ck, he made his decision. He would not budge!

Darryl was speechless, but he maintained a smile.

"By the way, this is the authenticating object for you as the Hall Master. Keep it well." Chester took out a silver token and placed it in Darryl's hand.

A token?

Darryl accepted the silver token and flipped it. The token made from pure silver had a wolf engraved on it. The craftsmanship looked delicate and vivid.

He could not help but think about the auction when he looked at the token

Both the old man and his granddaughter had a golden token.

Zack Roger told him that those with a golden token had a superior position in the Eternal Life Palace Sect.

Darryl asked out of curiosity "Brother Chester, can I have a look at your token?"

A platinum token?

A glint of surprise flashed past Darryl's eyes as he observed the token engraved with a qilin, a mythological beast.

Chester explained "As the master of the Eternal Life Palace Sect, the Sect Master possesses a jade toke. Whereas me, a military adviser, has a platinum one."

"The next in rank is the Four Guardian Kings. They have a golden tokens. Hall Masters have silver tokens. Finally, ordinary disciples have bronze ones."

Oh sh*t.

The old man from the auction was one of the Four Guardian Kings of the Eternal Life Palace Sect. It was no wonder that he was so powerful!

Chester took the platinum token back from him and smiled. "Darryl, I prepared another huge gift for you aside from this one!"

He raised his hands and clapped.

The private room's door flung open, and around 20 women were brought in instantly.


All the women had a decent appearance with great figures. They were all tied up.

All of them had a voluptuous and curvy figure!

The women were forcefully pushed to get down on their knees.

"Bro, I've put a lot of effort into this arrangement. I spent the whole night capturing these women from the Grandmaster Heaven Cult!" Chester laughed as he smoked on his pipe. "Do you like it?"

'These women are from the Grandmaster Heaven Cult?'

Grandmaster Heaven Cult and Eternal Life Palace Sect were the two most infamous cults. Since Chester had caught these women from the Grandmaster Heaven Cult, the two cults' relationship was not great.

Chester continued smoking. "Hahaha! Bro, I made a reservation at the Oriental Pearl for you. Enjoy it! We're leaving, so look for us when you're done!"

Chester waved an arm to gesture everyone to leave the private room.

"Hall Master, we're taking our leave!" greeted the bulky men before walking to the door and bowed again; their movements neat and uniform. It was quite a scene! It was clear that they practiced well. They left a significant impact on people's impression.

Darryl and the row of women were the only ones left in the room.


Lily Lyndon purchased Mansion No. 002 located right beside Darby Mansion after viewing it.

Jade told her that Mansion No. 001 was not for sale, no matter how much Lily offered.

Lily sold the previous house and found a moving company within days. She renovated the mansion exceptionally well.

Lily did not go live on the platform that day, She stared at the mirror as she took out 'The Worship of Crystal' delightfully since she was in a great mood. She gazed at the 20 sets of clothing hung in the dressing room and tried them set after set.

Should she wear jeans, a wrap skirt, a dress, or shorts?

"Mom, can you give me your opinion on which to wear?" Lily asked. "I'm, going to meet a fan tomorrow."

Exactly. She was dressing up for something important the next day. She was going to meet a fan.

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