Chapter 359

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Abbess Mother Serendipity landed steadily on the floor. She looked around but did not see Darryl.

"You're lucky to have gotten away today, but I'll kill you the next time I see you." she muttered with the sword in her hand.

She was standing in a pool of blood on the floor that must have been Dax's. He was unlikely to make it. Then, she made her way back to the ward.

On her way back, she could not help wondering what happened.

'Why did my sword not hurt him? Even if he mastered one of those self-defense like the Golden Defense, with his power of a Master General, there was no way he could have shielded himself from the sword.' she thought.

Meanwhile, the ward was filled with silence. Abbess Mother Serendipity walked in and glanced around. "Old Master Darby, I'm sorry if I frightened you earlier. I'm sorry that I let that bastard get away. Please, rest. I'll leave you with your family."

She was ashamed to have let Darryl run away.

Old Master Darby nodded and watched her till she left.

The rest of the members in the ward regained their composure and stared at Florian. Since Darryl had left, the Old Master Darby's livelihood depended on Florian.


Feeling the attention on him, Florian was trying so hard not to cry out loud.

'Damn it. Didn't we all agree that Darryl would be the donor? How dare he run away! Argh! How am I supposed to drink and party like I used to? It'd be difficulty for me to cultivate in the future too! What can I do?' Florian's thoughts were running a mile a minute as he was trying hard to restrain his anxiety.

Old Master Darby let out a long sigh and announced calmly "Please, leave me alone now. I'm not feeling well, and I'd like to rest."

He was agitated by what just happened and felt dizzy. The rest of the Darby family looked at one another before leaving the room till only Florian, Yumi, Jackson, Rebecca, and Drake were left.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He was diminished into an ordinary man all because of a slight cultivation mistake and became severely ill instantly. He was unlucky enough, yet Dax Sanders decided to come and cause more trouble. He could not take it.

Florian and the rest stood by his bedside as they saw the change in Old Master Darby's face. None of them dared to make a sound.

Meanwhile, there was a knock at the door. Shelly entered the ward and asked gently "Have you all decided who the donor is going to be?"

She had left earlier and missed the violent fight in the ward.

"Darryl ran away, so I'll be the donor." Florian spoke up unwillingly.

As the situation unfolded, there was no other way Florian could get away from donating.

Shelly frowned at what she heard.

'What? Darryl ran away? He's not that kind of man. It's impossible!' she thought.

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