Chapter 356

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"This involves our family. You have no say in it."

'F*ck you all!' Dax thought.

Dax was so enraged that he lunged at Florian and grabbed him by his shirt without a single word.


Without warning, Dax landed a loud and crisp slap on Florian's face. The slap was strong that Florian's face was instantly swollen.

Suddenly, the ward became pin-drop silent.

Everyone was scared and angry, but nobody dared to make a move.

Florian groaned in pain as he looked at Dax in shock and fear. "You... you..."

'Damn it! He was the Young Master of the Darby family. It was so mortifying!' he thought.

"Florian, right? Let me tell you that the Darby family has nothing to do with me, and I have no interest in your sh*t, but strain your ears and listen carefully. If it has anything to do with Darryl, it has to go through me first! I'll kil whoever touches a strand of his hair!" Dax's voice was toneless and cold.


He flipped his wrist, and an ax suddenly appeared in his hand. He swung it hard and tossed the ax right into the wall.


The ward shook slightly as the wall jiggled.

The entire hospital was pin-drop silent.

Florian, with his swollen face, took a few steps back instinctively, and his body knocked into the door. He wanted to fight back, but he did not dare to.

Florian had been cultivating lately and had become a Level Five Master, which was quite powerful. However, when facing Dax, he had no courage even to defend himself.

"You... you..." Yumi's face paled. She wanted to speak up, but she felt as if her throat was blocked.

Dax glared around the room and declared coldly "I just want to know how shameless every one of you is? You kicked Darryl out of the family and cut all ties with each other. But now that you need him, you ask him to come back?"

His gaze fell back on Darryl. "I heard your Grandpa saying that Florian was going to take over the family; if so, let him be the donor! As a patriarch, it's important to show he's willing to sacrifice his health. If he can't even do him, you ask him to come back?"

His gaze fell back on Darryl. "I heard your Grandpa saying that Florian was going to take over the family; if so, let him be the donor! As a patriarch, it's important to show he's willing to sacrifice his health. If he can't even do even do him such a small favor, how can he be the patriarch? What a bunch of heartless idiots!"

The ward was filled with dead silence as the family members looked at one another, speechless.

Florian and Yumi were flushed.

"How dare you? How dare you..."

Meanwhile, Old Master Darby helped himself up and glanced at Dax. "How dare you, Dax Sanders. Not long ago, you brought your men to mess around in my mansion. Today, you come here to cause trouble again. Who do you think you are!?"

Old Master Darby was furious.

Darryl did such a despicable deed, ruining the reputation of his sister-in-law. To Old Master Darby, giving him a chance to be a donor was a generous as one could get! However, Dax Sanders decided to come to cause trouble right at this instant. He thought Dax was a rude and brazen kid. He paid no respect to the Darby family.

Dax seemed unperturbed by the accusation.

"Old Master Darby, I'm calling you this only because of Darryl. As long as I'm here today, there's no way Darryl will donate his bone marrow." he laughed.

"You..." Old Master Darby panted heavily as he pointed at Dax with his trembling finger, unable to speak.

All of the family members were furious, yet none of them had the courage to speak up.

"Please calm down, Old Master Darby. I'll help you get rid of trash like him!" a voice suddenly said.

The sudden voice was followed by a charming figure marching towards them. The figure had a beautiful face with a cold expression and a long sword in her hand.

It was Abbess Mother Serendipity!

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