Chapter 386

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"Argh!" Xavier was almost unconscious as blood poured out from his nose aggressively. He yelled for backup "Help me!"

A few guys who had a relatively good friendship with Xavier came to their senses.

"Go! Let's go!"

"Help Mister Xavier!"

They rushed to help him.

"F*ck off!" Darryl growled, standing up to slap each of them.


His slaps were so hard that they collapsed. A few ladies screamed. Who woudl have thought that a student would be able to beat a PE teacher up so badly?

"Apologize now!" Darryl demanded with a kick to Xavier's head.

"F*ck you, Darryl. I'll kill you!" Xavier clenched his fist. He lost all control. He had never been so embarrassed before. He only wished for Darryl's death.

"Apologize!" Darryl howled as he violently kicked Xavier's head again.

Xavier saw stars, and his head was bleeding as well.

"Darryl, you..." Xavier gritted his teeth. A few hundred students were watching. How embarrassing was it for him to apologize?

"Apologize!" Darryl kicked hard another time.

"Darryl, enough! You'll kill him if you continue!" Lily finally came to her senses, pulling Darryl back.

"You'd better f*cking apologize to my wife!" Darryl screamed. He was delirious. No one could stop him while he kept kicking Xavier in the head.

Xavier broke. He knew if he did not apologize, Darryl might kill him.

"I'm sorry, I;m sorry!" Xavier screamed. He hugged his head. "I was wrong. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

"Honey, do you forgive him?" Darrylk laughed and gazed at Lily. His eyes were extremely gentle. It was a one eighty-change from the lunatic he was a second ago.

Lily trembled. She nodded. If she said that she does not forgive, Darryl, might not have stopped―Xavier could have died.

Then, a sixty-year old man approached them―it was the Discipline Master. He asked "What is going on?"

Upon seeing him, a few students were delighted―they indulged in schandenfreude. The Discipline Master was extremely strict. Darryl was done for since hitting a teacher was against the school rules.

Seeing Xavier on the floor, the Discipline Master's face darkened. He asked slowly "What is happening?"

Fighting in school?

There was silence. Most of the students were looking at Darryl. Lily panicked. She wanted to explain since this started because Xavier flirted with her.

Before she could speak, Declan Noel stood up. "Master, Darryl openly beat a teacher up!" he exclaimed. "It's despicable! He should be punished!"

Katherine approached the Discipline Master. "Darryl is my student." she added "I will punish him accordingly."

She then walked up to Darryl and slapped him without warning.


Katherin was an ordinary human. The slap was not painful, but it rang loud and clear.

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