Chapter 384

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Xavier ignored her. He grabbed Lily's hand and smirked. "Liyly, don't be shy. I'm just looking after my students, that's all. Take it."

He shoved the bag to her. Lily panicked as her face flushed and mumbled "Mister Xavier, please let go of me. Don't..."

Darryl's eyes flared. It was bad enough he had to go through jabs and taunts this morning, now this pervert b*stard was harrasing his wife. He had enough!

"Get your f*cking hands off her!" He screamed, shoving Xavier aside.

Xavier almost lost his balance as he shouted back "It's you again! I have not paid you back the last time!"

In the last Physical Education class, Xavier got jealous that Lily, Yvonne, and Circe spoke to Darryl. He threw the basketball at him, yet Darryl asked him to apologize. If it were not for Miss Katherine that stopped them in time, he would have beaten Darryl up.

Xavier clenched his fist, a powerful aura emitting from his body. He stared at Darryl and snarled "Are you looking for  death? I did not beat you up the last time, so are you asking for it now?"

Lily panicked. She blocked Darryl and cried "Mister Xavier, please don't bother him. He meant no harm."

She was glad that her husband stood up for her, but Xavier was a teacher with a bad temper after all. Seeing how Xavier was about to flare up, Lily got anxious.

Many students were staring to take a look at the ongoing commotion.

Xavier laughed coldly. He glared at Darryl and demanded "Apologize, now."


Darrly snickered "You're an immoral person who barely acts like a teacher, yet you dare ask for an apology?"

"B*stard, are you looking for death?" Xavier roared. He was about to punch Darryl when Miss Katherine―who witnessed the scene from afar―yelled "Mister Xavier, what are you doing?"

She approached them with a frown and asked "Mister Xavier, are you fighting with the students again?"

Xavier was annoyed. How was Darryl so lucky? Whenever he was about to beat him up, Miss Katherine would appear.

The students who were watching shook their heads in disappointment. They hope to see Darryl get beaten up.

Xavier shook his head. He replied "Miss Katherine, I have ignored Darryl once out of respect for you. However, this time he has to apologize. I will not let this go."

Katherine's face darkened. She could see that Xavier was extremely furious. If her powers were still intact, she could have stopped him if anything were to happen. However, after losing all her ranks by consuming the ineffective Spirit Petrification Elixir, she was an ordinary human now. Katherine could only pray that Xavier did not get violent.

"You should be the one apologizing." Darryl said coldly.

"Darryl!" Katherine panicked. Why was Darryl still so stubborn? If he did not apologize, he would get beaten up for sure.

"F*ck, what did you say? I will still beat you up with Miss Katherine here! No one can stop me!"

Xavier threw a punch.

Everyone gasped. The ladies held their breath; they could not bear to watch. Xavier―a Level Five Master General―could kill a bull with just a punch.

Lily was almost in tears. She wanted to block Darryl, but she was too late.

No one noticed that Darryl did not panic. He smiled instead as he declared "Xavier, I have the same feelings towards you. No one can stop me from beating you up too!"

He harnessed his energy field. Strong currents of Internal Energy were radiating from him. It enveloped the entire crowd!

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