Chapter 265

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The Oriental Pearl was the best hotel in the city. Ofcourse, he had to pick the best hotel since it was their first gathering.

Hearing that they were going to the Oriental Pearl, the class was in an uproar. Everyone walked out of the classroom happily. Once they got out of school, everyone went into their cars. Since most of them drove here and offered a ride to those who did not come with a car.

Since Lily sent Darryl here this morning, he needed a ride from someone else, but most of the cars were filled up by now. Darryl glanced around and saw that Declan's car still had an empty seat.

Declan was driving, and Miles was sitting in the passenger's seat. In the back were Dax's cousins, Daisy and Daphne, and there was an empty seat.

Darryl pulled open the car door and was about to go in, but Daisy pushed him away and looked at him with disgust. "Darryl, can't you go with someone else?"

"Why? All the other cars are filled up. I can only take this car." Darryl said.

Daisy stared at him. "Darryl, you're lucky enough even to be invited to Declan's dinner, but now you're even thinking of sitting in his car? On top of that, you look dirty, so go and get a taxi!"

She did not want to sit in the same car as a live-in son-in-law.

Even Declan added in with a mocking tone. "Darryl, didn't you see that the two pretty women don't want to sit with you? I can't help you. Go and get a taxi."

After hearing Declan, the students in the other cars burst out laughing and looked at Darryl with disgust.

That was sad. Nobody liked this live-in son-in-law, so he had to take a taxi.

Darryl sighed. 'These people were so materialistic nowadays. Wasn't it just a meal?'

He prepared to leave. Meanwhile, Katherine walked toward him and said "Darryl, I'll give you a ride."

Katherine drove a pink-colored BMW. She was that nobody liked Darryl, and as his teacher, she felt a responsibility to help him instead of letting him take a taxi.

Her car was filled with a faint floral scent. Sitting in her car, Darryl felt more relaxed and took a few glances at her. She was very attractive, and the only downside to her was that she was too strict.

As she drove, she said "Darryl, as you can see, the students in the class don't like you and don't want to sit in the same car as you. So you really have to work hard. If you don't, they'll always look down on you, and you'll remain as the live-in son-in-law for the rest of your life."

Darryl smiled bitterly. "Don't worry, Miss Katherine. I'll work hard. May I please have my phone back?"

She took away his phone and had not given it back to him.

Katherine's face darkened, and glared at Darryl. "Didn't you listen to what I said? I confiscated your phone, and now you're asking for it back? I'll give it back to you if you well-behaved tomorrow."

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