Chapter 252

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Dax and Darryl drank through the night, speaking freely, and having a great time. They had no idea how much they had drank nor how they fell asleep.

The next morning, Nancy woke them up. She was dressed in a black fringed dress and heels, looking charming as always.

"Dax, Darryl, wake up! It's time to register at The Hexad School. Did you two forget?" Nancy said.

Dax jumped up. "Ah! I totally forgot about that. Darryl, hurry up! Wash your face!"


Today, Donghai City was extraordinarily lively.

It was the opening of The Hexad School, and everyone would want to check it out.

Private cars filled the school's entrance, and more than twenty thousand students gathered by the square, waiting.

In situations like this, one thing all men were concorned about was to look out for pretty women. To be honest, there were lots of good looking female students in this school.

"Look here, look here! The chick in a dress looks good."

"That woman in a short skirt is sexy!"

The men exchange their findings with one another.

Among the crowd, some familiar faces were seen: Lily, Elsa, William, Yvonne, and Justin. They had all signed up for the program.

Meanwhile, a load roar of an engine filled the air.

Everyone turned to see a Rolls Royce driving over.

"Damn, it's a Rolls Royce!"

"Isn't that a few million bucks? I heard even an umbrella inside the car costs ten thousand bucks!"

The Rolls Royce pulled over, and a young man walked out of the car slowly. It was Kent Hough. He was dressed in branded clothes with his hair dyed bright yellow. It was not the most attractive look, but he would still be considered handsome since he walked out of a Rolls Royce. Lots of female students looked at him with desire in their eyes.

Meanwhile, Megan Castello walked by his side. Her looks stood out from the rest of the girls. Kent thought he lookd good and flipped his hair. He enjoyed being the center of attention.

However, this only lasted three hours. The other side of the square was now in an uproar. Everyone turned over to see a Lamborghini pulling over.

"Damn! Sports car! It's a sports car!"

"It's my first time seeing this car! It's so gorgeous! This is at least ten million!"

The car fans gathered around the car in excitement, while the female students rushed over to check out who was driving it.

The Lamborghini pulled over, and the door opened as a young, handsome man walked out.

"It was Mr. Claydon. Gordon Claydon!"

The Claydon family was in the clothing industry. It was a bif and wealthy family with businesses all over the country, and Gordon Claydon was their heir. Gordon looked handsome, and with his Lamborghini, he drove a lot of the female students crazy. It was no surprise when a few women kept on screaming when they saw him.

"Look over here, someone else is coming!" someone shouted in the crowd, and everyone looked over.

Suddenly, teh uproar turned into pin-drop silence.

An extended Lincoln drove by slowly. The car was surrounded by hundreds of men in black marching along, making the scene majestically stunning.

Who could it be? Even the heirs of the wealthy were stunned as they stared at Lincoln.

This extended Lincoln was a customized edition, and probably less than five existed in the world.

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