Chapter 320

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When four of them arrived, the place was really crowded.

Yvonne and Lily suddenly became the center of attraction.

Those two goddesses were too beautiful!

Some of the men did not even blink. Both of the ladies were beautiful in their own way!

The two ladies did not notice the attention that they commanded; their attention was on the stalls set at both sides of the street. There were many stalls with antique items displayed for sale.

Handwritten scrolls, jade, ceramics, and many other delicate items; all of them looked interesting.

Darryl looked around as he strolled.

The antique festival was an interesting one. He noticed a couple of good quality antiques as he walked by them.

They finally arrived at the largest stall in the market; there were many people surrounding it, and Kingston was on of them.

Yvonne was happy to see her father, and she quickly approached him. "Father."

Kingston turned and nodded at her. "Matt, come quickly, see how much this painting is worth!"

The stall owner held an antique painting in his hands.

It was a painting of a spotty tiger, with its paw on a rock mountain as it roared toward the sky. There was an elegant-looking tree beside it.

It was the painting of the Tiger Roar Mountain.

The name 'Thompson' was scribbled at the corner of the painting; there were also a dozen stamps on it.

Was it a painting by Watt Thompson?

Darryl took a glance and furrowed his brows.

Everyone was amazed by the painting.

It was a genuine painting! What a treasure — the painting of the Tiger Roar Mountain.

A few collectors there were nervous too; they had all hoped to offer a reasonable price for the painting. However, in the antique business, there was a rule. No one should interfere when a potential buyer negotiated on the price of an antique. Kingston was negotiating with the antique seller; hence the other collectors could only wait impatiently.

Kingston handed the painting to Matt as he smiled with pride. "Matt, take a look. What do you think about this painting?"

The painter had excellent skills; the emotion on the tiger looked real and grand. The whole painting style matched Watt Thompson's original style.

The asking price for the painting was 1 billion bucks!

The price was fairly reasonable for a Watt Thompson painting.

At the Handerson Auction in 2004, a Watt Thompson painted fan, called the Cherry Appreciation, was sold for 4.7 million bucks; it was equivalent to about a billion bucks after so many years had passed. However, that was only a painted fan.

The painting in question at that moment was an art piece called the Tiger Roar Mountain. It could fetch 3 billion bucks in an auction, but the seller had asked for 1 billion for it.

Kingston was worried, though. He only had slightly more than 1 billion in his assets. If the painting were proven to be a fake, he would lose all his money. Hence, he decided to ask for Matt's help.

Matt took a thorough look at the painting. He said "Every knows that Watt Thompson was an incredible talent. Not only was he a painter, but he was also a poet and a calligrapher."

"All his paintings had the strong energy of a drawing and the gentleness of an artist. The Tiger Roar Mountain exuded these qualities perfectly. Look at the tiger; there was a strong and clear definition in its strips, and it displayed the strength of a tiger flawlessly. The tree beside it gave the whole painting a more gentle touch."

"Over all, the painting looked strong, energetic and gentle at the same time. It matches all the qualities of a Watt Thompson painting. It is definitely a genuine painting." Matt spoke clearly.

Everyone was impressed with Matt's analysis of the painting. What a skillful young man!

His antique appraisal skill was the best among everyone there. A few of the collectors nodded in agreement.

The collectors all had in-depth knowledge of antique painting. They were all impressed with Matt's talent in the appraisal.

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