Chapter 208

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As long as someone took the lead, everyone would follow - so it was not surprising that soon the entire Darby clan agreed to join the Eternal Life Palace Sect.

Old Master Drake nodded in relief then dismissed them, he said "Ok, there are no other matters, you may leave. Please keep in mind what I just said - no one can know that the Darbys joined the Eternal Life Palace.

When everyone left, a silhouette of a person with a powerful aura stood at the main hall entrance - Brian Cunningham.

"So, what's your decision?" Brian approached Drake.

Drake nodded, and said "I agree to your conditions, that the Darbys join the Eternal Life Palace Sect."

"Wonderful! This is great news!" Brian cheered.

"From now on we are on the same boat! I'll get my men to send the Spiritual Elixir over soon." he added.

Brian handed a manual to Drake, he said "We're old friends, please accept this small gift as a welcome gift to the Eternal Life Palace Sect!"

Drake's hand trembled when he saw the manual, it was The Big Dipper Formation, the ultimate secret manual of the Wudang Sect!

"The Big Dipper Formation?" Drake asked.

Brian laughed, he said "Yes! When I left the Wudang Sect, I stole it. This formation is a powerful one, but it needs seven people!"

"Long time ago, there were seven Masters of the Wudang Sect, they used this formation to trap a Grandmaster Heaven Master Marquis to death!" Brian explained.

How was the formation so powerful? Seven Masters could kill a Master Marquis? The Master Marquis ranking was two levels above Master!

Drake was immensely excited when he heard this! With this manula, no one would dare cause any trouble with the Darbys from now on!

"I hope you would be happy with this! This is just the start, when you join the Eternal Life Palace Sect, as long as we work in tandem, there will be many good things to follow!" Brian chuckled, as he patted Drake on the arm.

Drake nodded excitedly, while he poured the tea.


For the past few days, the variety show "101 Superstar" had garnered views from all over teh country.

With Platinum Corporation's help, Lana Thomas successfully entered the finals after a few rounds of intense competition. She and eight other finalists formed a girl group called "S9", "S" being short for "Super."

Of course, since Darryl was not around, the entire operation of Platinum Corporation fell on Pearl to manage.

While promoting Lana Thomas, Pearl has not forgotten about the live stream as well. During that period, Pearl would sign in as Hill to support Lily's live stream. She would send 'gifts' worth a few hundred thousands or more, sometimes even up to millions to Lily. Once she had done that, Peal would sign out immediately. hence, Hill was not only Lily's number one fan, but he was also the entire Longya Live Stream Platform's most mysterious patron.

All who used Longya Live Stream would know about Hill, and they would tune in daily to see him interact with Lily. That also indirectly caused Lily's live stream to grow in popularity. From a mere ten thousand, it grew to a million or more fans. Those who flocked to her live stream not only want to hear her sing, but they were curious to see how much the legendary Hill would spend on Lily.

Present time. Lyndons.

Lily just ended her live stream and was in a cheery mood. Hill gave her a five million 'gift' today so she wanted to thank him in person.

"Lily, you've just ended your stream?" asked Samantha, as she came downstairs. All the while her daughter made a lot of money, which made her exceptionally happy. Her daughter was beautiful, talented, and has the earning power - anyone would be happy for her as well.

"Mother, I would like to buy a house. Our current house is too small. I want to buy a bigger one. I would be more comfortable doing my live stream too." Lily said. As she gained in popularity, it is not too appropriate to constantly live stream in the living room. Furthermore, what if guests visited them? It would be extremely awkward, seeing that she was famous person now. "Sure sure, let's get something you like. It's good to move as well. When that loser Darryl is released from prison, he will not be able to find us. This saves us the trouble of him begging you to come back to him." Samantha nodded with a smile.

My daughter earns a few million per day, buying a house means nothing, she could afford any house that she likes!

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