Chapter 264

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He was sending the message behind his desk, so how did she realize?

Darryl let out a sigh. "Miss Katherine, I wasn't playing with my phone. I'm just checking the time."

With that, he was about to keep his phone.

"Don't you talk back when you've made a mistake. Give me the phone." Katherine declared with a cold tone that made it obvious her order was non-negotiable.

She snatched his phone. "Darryl, you're already a live-in son-in-law. Why do you show no remorse? You should appreciate the opportunity to study at The Hexad School and work hard. Others can fool around because they're from wealthy families; even if they don't succeed, it's okay. But you? You're fooling around. No wonder everyone's laughing at you!"

Katherine turned and walked back to the podium.

Darryl was helpless, and he mumbled "What's so bad about being a live-in son-in-law? I'm living just fine."

Although his voice was soft, Katherine heard it clearly, and so did the students around him.

'Huh? The kid enjoyed being a live-in son-in-law?' everyone thought.

Suddenly, a few students around him broke into laughter.

Katherine yelled with anger and pointed at the door. "You're ridiculous! Go and stand by the door! You're not allowed to sit for the rest of the day!"

'Damn it; he was punished to run yesterday and asked to stand today. What an unlucky school!' Darryl thought.

He let out a sigh, thinking that once he had stolen the scripture, he would not have to come to class again.

After Darryl walked out of the class, Katherine did not give him a second look.

"Since the class is almost over, I want to inform you all that we will be choosing a class monitor tomorrow." Katherine glanced around the class with a faint smile. "When I'm not in, the class monitor will take charge of the class, such as the school activities, etc. So we need someone capable."

The class was filled with chatter as she was about to pick a class monitor!

Although it came with more responsibilities, it also came with more power and authority. Everyone would have to listen and look up to the class monitor when Katherine was not around.

Many of the student's eyes sparkled with excitement.


They had quite a few classes for the rest of the day. After Katherine's Human Acupoints class, there was also Alchemy class, Literature, Art of War, and Formation class. However, these classes were taught by old men that dressed and looked just like those ancient men with a traditional way of thinking and stubborn attitude. Not only the guys, but even the ggirls were uninterested.

However, when the Alchemy class teacher appeared, everyone seemed excited. The teacher was named Isabella Monte. Like Katherine, she was a gorgeous woman in her thirties. She was also sexy and charming. Though she was different from Katherine with her gentle and soft temperament and soothing voice, which made her seem nicer, she was not strict at all. After one class with her, all students fell in love with her.

After standing for the whole day, the bell finally rang, and Darryl let out a long sigh of relief.

'It's finally over!' he thought.

After standing for a whole day, his legs were so tired, and he felt like he could collapse at any time. However, a student rushed to the podium before everyone could leave. "Hey everyone, wait up. I'd like to say a few things."

It was Declan Noel. He was a rich kid from another city.

He cleared his throat and spoke loudly. "Everyone, it must've been by fate that we were all allocated to the same class. I'd like to treat everyone to dinner tonight."

When Katherine mentioned picking a class monitor, Declan wanted to be elected. He decided to treat everyone to dinner tonight to campaign for his election as class monitor tomorrow.

"Haha! Sounds good!" a student stood up, clapping.

It was Miles Morrison. Although his family was not poor he was still nothing compared to the other rich kids. However, he was a smart kid. Within a day, he had made friends with Declan and started following him around. When Declan declared that he was treating everyone to dinner, Miles supported him right away.

Since Miles spoke up, everyone else joined in as well.

"Sure! I'll come!"

"Thank you, Declan!"

In an instant, everyone was going. Declan smiled and looked at Miss Katherine. "Since everyone's going, would you like to join us too?"

Katherine considered it for a while before she nodded. "Sure, I'll join you guys."

Since everyone in the class was going, she would learn more about her students during this gathering. This would benefit her teaching in the future.

Declan was pleased when Katherine agreed. He waved. "Let's go to the Oriental Pearl."

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