Chapter 374

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"Do tell, what can you do?" Samantha glared at Darryl despicably.

Darryl could not be bothered to argue with Samantha. he told Lily "It's fine. Since your mother believes in your ex-boyfriend, let her be."

"What ex-boyfriend?!" Lily was distressed as she said "Hubb, Ray and I had nothing going on. He pursued me, but were never together!"

Darryl was unhappy. He wanted to see how great this Ray was; that his own mother-in-law still thought of him.

Samantha took her phone out and made a call.

Samantha smiled widely after the call was picked up shortly after. She softned her tone and said "Hello, Ray? This is Auntie Samantha. Could you come to the hospital? I have a favor to ask of you. Alright, I will wait for you."

When she hung up, she looked at Eleanor smugly. "Just you wait and see, Ray will arrived shortly. As long as he agrees to help, we will get back our money!"

"Are you for real?" The rest started to chime in.

"If he really could get our money back, we'll have to thank you!"

Samantha snickered as she stood up and said "You have no idea how well Ray treats me. When he was pursuing my daughter, he would shower me with gifts daily. There was once he gave me a Tourmaline bracelet. It costs as much as a BMW!"

Everyone exclaimed as they looked at Samantha with envy. She adored being the center of attention. She continued "There was once, my phone was stolen at a mall. I called Ray, and guess what happened?"

"What happened?" They asked in unisor.

Samantha said proudly "Turns out, the mall was owned by Ray's boss. He gave his boss a call, and he ordered the staff to lock down the entire mall until the thief was caught."

Everyone was in awe―if Ray was this poweful, they might have a chance at getting their money back!

At the same time, a car came screeching from afar. A white Porsche came speeding through and stopped right at the entrance of the hospital. A handsome young man came down―it was Ray! He wore a casual suit, elegant and classy.

"Ray, over here!" Samantha smiled widely, waving at him.

"Is that a Porsche?" someone exclaimed.

"The Porsche is nothing." Samantha barked. "He even has a Bentley!"

Lily was embarrassed. She had not seen Ray for a long time. She bit her lip and wished she could escape.

Samantha gushed "Ray, I'm so sorry for making you come here all of a sudden."

"Auntie, you're too kind. I'm glad that you thought of me." He handed Samantha a gift box and said "I hope you don't mind."

"That is so kind of you!" Samantha smiled and accepted the gift. She opened the gift and everybody gasped. It was a hairpin made out of pure jade. It suited a mature woman like herself.

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