Chapter 357

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Recently, Abbess Mother Serendipity and the Emei disciples have been residing at the Darby mansion. She had been grateful for the kindness shown to them by the Darby family. Once she heard the news, Abbess Mother Serendipity rushed to the hospital right away.

She was furious at the event unfolding before her eyes.

"Old Master Darby, please stay calm. You're quite ill. Please take good care of your body. Let me help you get rid of trash like Darryl." she comforted.

She stared at Darryl with an unusually chilling glare. In an instant, Darryl felt trapped by a deadly aura and panicked a little.

'Why was this Abbess Mother Serendipity everywhere? Most importantly, why was she helping the Darby family?' he wondered.

Dax, who was beside Darryl, frowned at the sight of her. Abbess Mother Serendipity had such a strong presence.

Darryl tried his best to calm down.

"Abbess Mother Serendipity, I don't remember offending you? Why do you hae to keep bothering me?" he asked, frowning.

The first time they met during the Elixir Competition, she tried to kill him without a word. Now she was trying to kill him again. He was confused as he was quite sure that he never offended her.

Her beautiful face was overwhelmed with disgust.

"Darryl, your Grandpa is ill, and you're not willing to donate your bone marrow. What a disgraceful grandson. No wonder you were capable of such dispicable act against your sister-in-law. I'll get rid of you on behalf of the Darby family today." she claimed.

'You got away during the Elixir Competition. This time, you won't be as lucky.' she thought to herself.

Intense energy exuded from the Abbess Mother Serendipity. In an instant, everyone could feel her powerful aura, and everyone could not help but smile. They were all too excited to watch. With Abbess Mother Serendipity in the room, Darryl would be the donor, either dead or alive!

However strong Dax was, he was only a Master General, and the Abbess Mother Serendipity was atleast a Martial Marquis! With her ability, even 10 of Dax fighting her at the same time would not stand a chance.

Dax walked toward her and glared at her with no fear. "You're wrong. Firstly, Darryl never assaulted his sister-in law. Secondly, Darryl has already cut all ties with his family. The old man lying on the bed is no longer his grandpa. Thirdly, these people almost killed Darryl's father. They have wronged him so much that he has no obligation to be the donor. I don't care if you're the Elder of Emei. You have no right to be unreasonable!"

'Did he call me unreasonable?' Abbess Mother Serendipity thought.

Abbess Mother Serendipity's face darkened as she yelled "Kid, I know you're quite powerful man in the city, but you have no right to speak to me so rudely. You can ask around who Darryl is. Ask everyone here if they believe Darryl is innocent!"

She was the Elder of Emei, and everyone showed her the utmost respect. Yet, Dax had the guts to call her unreasonable!?

"Abbess, I've said many times I've never assaulted my sister-in-law. If you don't believe me, we have a blood test done right away since we're at a hospital. We can all find out who the child belongs to." Darryl said, walking forward.

Suddenly, Florian and Yumi's face darkened.

Right, they were all at the hospital. If they test the blood of the baby, the truth will be exposed. Yumi bit her lips and stepped forward. "Darryl, don't think you can get away with this! I know what you're thinking, and you're going to run away or call for help during the test, right? How dare you pull tricks in front of Abbess Mother Serendipity!"

After that, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Abbess Mother Serendipity, Darryl is full of tricks. Don't fall for it and let him escape." Yumi smiled faintly.

"F*ck you! You're all idiots! Including Abbess Mother Serendipity! All idiots! I'm leaving with Darryl!" Dax yelled as he could not contain his anger any longer.

This triggered the Abbess Mother Serendipity as she screamed "As a cultivator, I hate seeing heartless bastards like Darryl! I'll kill him today no matter what it takes!"

She pointed the long sword in her hand directly at Darryl. The move was quick and deadly.

"Darryl, run!" Dax yelled. He did not expect Abbess Mother Serendipity to attack so quickly. Without hesitation, he ran in front of Darryl to protect him.

"Dax, be careful!" Darryl said, shocked.

He gritted his teeth and rushed forward. This Abbess was at least a Martial Marquis; even if the two of them fought her together, they still did not stand a chance.

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