Chapter 215

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"F*ck, get this kid away from here!" The bald man was furious.

'This rascal here really wants to cause trouble!'

Clang! Clang!

The men instantly closed in on Darryl, striking him with steel pipes repeatedly!

Darryl clenched his jaw, trying to stay on top of Nancy without budging.

His blood was dripping onto Nancy's face.

"Darryl, let me be! Get up! You're going to die..." Nancy trembled as she cried anxiously.

"I'm not getting up!" Darryl gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Hall Master!"

"How dare you lay your hands on our Hall Master?!"

More than a hundred muscular men in black rushed out of the hotel lobby with rage. They were the disciples of the Eternal Life Palace Sect!

They had been waiting for Darryl's arrival in the lobby. They thought that something was off when Darryl did not appear after waiting for some time. Then, they heard the clamoring outside and rushed out immediately to see Darryl getting beaten on the ground.

It was way over their limit!


The bald guy was stunned. The men were rushing over like a rolling tide!

He wailed before getting into the car to flee!

"Darryl, are you okay?!" Chester asked, his face striken with worry.

"Darryl, how are you feeling? Are you alright?!" Nancy was sobbing uncontrollably, her tears trickling down her face continuously.

Darryl strained to sit up. Suppressing the burning sensation on his back, he smiled at Nancy.

"I'm fine, you should look for Dax now."

Darryl did not know which gang those men were from. However, he figured that they must have an ominous background, so he asked Nancy to look for Dax for her safety.

"But you..." Nancy bit her lips with worry.

Darryl shook his head and pointed to the disciples around them "I'm fine. They'll take care of me."

Nancy left after Darryl insisted. However, she kept turning back to check on Darryl with concern in her eyes.

Darryl tended to his wounds that afternoon. The disciples of the Eternal Life Palace Sect stayed with Darryl in the hospital ward.

The young nurse was alarmed as she clearly remembered Darryl to be a live-in son-in-law. She even remembered that he could not afford to pay for his father's medical bill when he had a heart attack.

'Why does he have so many men with him this time around?'

It was a rare scene in the hospital. The young nurse did not utter a word while treating Darryl's wounds, leaving immediately after she was done.

Darryl lit a cigarette. "What's your name?" he asked a strong-built disciple.

The disciple clasped his hands together and answered respectfully "I'm Caelan Lewis, Hall Master."

Caelan. Caelan Lewis.

Darryl nodded in acknowledgement. The disciple seemed to be a capable one as he was visibly respected by the others. Based on his strength, he should be a Level Three Master. He appeared intelligent, as well.

Darryl smiled lightly and nodded "Caelan, that's a powerful name. Good, that's good. You are the Vice Hall Master from now on! You will lead the brothers in the Hall when I'm not present."

"Hall Master, I'm afraid that I can't take this responsibility." Caelan stammered.

It was hard to digest that he was suddenly appointed to be the Vice Hall Master. He was just another insignificant disciple of the Hall.

Darryl laughed. "You are the Vice Hall Master, as I said."

A sudden thought came to his mind.

"By the way, pass a message to the military adviser that I'm not going to send him off tonight."

Now that the Hall in Donghai City was established, it was time for him as the military advisor to return to the Altar.

The Altar for the Eternal Life Palace Sect was located in Eternal Life Island, thousands of miles away from Donghai City. Darryl intended to send Chester off, but his injuries were too excruciating.

"Understood." Caelan responded, turning around to leave the ward.

Darryl waited for him to leave. Then, he stood up to refine the Godly pill while wincing from the stinging pain all over his body. He realized that the pill was useful during the auction. There was no harm in refining more of it.

The second morning.

Darryl was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed when he heard someone knocking on the door.

Pearl Hahn - in her professional outfit - trotted to his bed.

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