Chapter 329

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Darryl sighed.

Miss Isabela had pretty good skills, but she was also stubborn.

Time passed by quickly.

The competition was only for one hour. At about 50 minutes in, more than half of the contestants had completed their elixir.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from Isabela's cauldron, followed by the strong burnt smell.

The pot was all badly scorched, and there was no elixir.

She had failed! How was that possible?!

Isabela paled; she was in shock. How did that happen?

She had made the Energy Enhancer Pill many times before that, and she had never had any problem with it. How could she have failed then?

That was the consequence when one did not listen to others.

Darryl sighed and said "Miss Isabela, I told you. Heat management is crucial for a copper cauldron, such as this, but you did not listen."

Isabela was about to burst into tears. She asked "Darryl, what should I do?"

The Elixir Competition was only held once every three years. Would she really fail?

Most of the contestants smirked at Isabela. They were happy about what had happened to her.

Darryl shook his head and said "Let me help you to produce the elixir."

What? Him?

Isabela felt lost, so she hesitated. However, there were only less than 10 minutes left.

Besides, Darryl was only an assistant. In the competition, the assistant would only support and not produce the elixir on their own.

Isabela had no choice. There was nothing else she could do to help the situation, so she decided to let Darryl try. Perhaps she would get a chance to rectify things.

Her chances were slim as there were only 10 minutes left. Even a Senior Elixir Master would not be able to produce an elixir in 10 minutes.

No matter what, it was better than to give up, so Isabela nodded. "Fine."

She quickly stepped to the side.

Darryl took a deep breath and lit the fire again. Then, he grabbed a handful of ingredients.

What had happened?

The judges were all stunned.

How could an assistant produce an elixir? Were they fools?

Ophelia's eyes were locked onto Darryl. The emotion on her delicate face was complicated. It was a bad sign when the assistant had to make the elixir for the contestant. No one had ever done that in the previous competitions.

Everyone looked at Darryl; they felt disgusted.

"Look at the live-in son-in-law."

"He wants to produce an elixir too? That's ridiculous!" Laughter ensued.

Kent, who sat in the fron row, laughed out loud. "That stupid Darryl thinks that this is just a game? How can he represent Miss Isabela?"

Everyone pointed and commented about Darryl.

Megan furrowed her brows. "Kent, why do you say that? Did you forget that it was Darryl who saved Nancy's life with that elixir when she accidentally ate the poisonous fruit?"

Megan was also surprised when Darryl started to work on the elixir. However, she believed Darryl would have considered it before he made that decision.

Kent replied coldly "That was pure luck when he rescued Dax's wife. How could he have the skills to participate in this competition?"

What a joke! Megan did not reply to him. She focused on Darryl; she was worried.

Darryl was confident. Had he also produce the Godly Pill?

No, that was impossible. Godly Pills were extremely rare.

Most Elixir Masters couldn't produce it; Darryl would not be able to do that too. Besides, Darryl had already explained that it was a gift from a friend.

Most contestants on the stage had completed their elixirs successfully; they held the elixir in their hands.

Contestant number three was a young lady.

When she held her elixir in her hands, the host announced "Janet from Xiaoyao family had produced the Timeless Beauty Pill. It can be used to maintain a lady's beauty timelessly. You will not age in the next ten years."

What? A Timeless Beauty Pill?

Everyone was stunned, and some ladies squealed softly.

A beautiful woman would eventually grow old.

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