Chapter 278

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Katherine stuck a QR code print-out onto the blackboard.

The students scanned the QR code and started donating. Some donated two hundred thousand, some five hundred thousand. The generous ones contributed a million bucks.

They had their hearts set on the reward for the highest contributor, as what Miss Katherine had said.

"How much did you donate?"

"Wow! Five hundred thousand."

"I'm not bad as well. I donated six hundred thousand."

Everyone was proud of themselves for donating. Katherine was right. The school's online platform had a list that showed which student contributed the most.

Everyone's eyes were glued to the list.

Suddenly, a student from another class donated a million and eight hundred thousand bucks.

"Look! Declan donated two million!" somone yelled.

The class was in an uproar. The list stated that Declan Noel from Class Sixteen was the current highest donor at two million.

All eyes were on Declan. Two million. This man had to be rich.

Katherined nodded in approval. This class did not disappoint her at all. Even though they were not overly passionate about their studies, they had a charitable heart.

Everyone praised Declan. He was proud as well. He dangled his phone in front of Darryl and said "Look, Darryl, I donated two million. Weren't you the one that said I couldn't afford it?"

At that, he lightly puched Darryl in the chest. "You lowly live-in son-in-law." he spat. "When you steal phones, don't use me as an excuse. Isn't it pathetic?"

The other classmates chipped in.

"Yes! Does Declan looked like he is short of money?" They each took a jab at Darryl.

Katherine started to believe their words. She glared at Darryl and asked "Darryl, did you really steal someone's phones?"

She woke up in a bad mood since she found out she had dropped two levels for no reason. Her spirit was worsened by Darryl.

Miles stood up and said "Miss Katherine, Darryl stole Circe's phone!"

The others nodded in support.

Katherine was filled with disappointment. "Darryl, I just defended you." she reprimanded. "I refused to believe that you would steal. It is fine if you are  poor, just do it woith some dignity. Do you understand?"

Darryl's expression darkened as he looked at her. "Miss Katherine, hand me the phone. I want to donate." he declared.

Haha! This idiot wants to donate? He was so poor that he resorted to stealing phones. What could he afford to contribute? Was he trying to protect his self-esteem? The class laughed at him.

Katherine said sternly "Darryl, I will return your phone on two conditions. One, do not play with your phone in class. The next time I confiscate it, you won't get it bacl. Two, don't let me find out that you've stolen things. If I do, I'll file a police report. Don't think that I'll cover you since you're my student. As I said, it is okay to be poor, but have some dignity. if you do not have any aspiration to turn over a new leaf, what is the purpose of living? If you're poor, you could work. It might be tiring, but every penny that you earn is yours."

Darryl was a disappointment in her eyes.

Darryl wordlessly logged onto the online donation platform.

Daisy jeered at Darryl from the back of the class. "Darryl, how much are you planning to donate? A few bucks?"

"Darryl steals phones for a living." Daphne chimed in. "I'm sure he could do with a few hundred!"

The class burst into laughter again.

"My goodness..."

What followed was a stunned silence from everyone. It was unbelievable! The current highest donor donated five million. It was Darryl Darby from Class Sixteen!

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