Chapter 311

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Isabela continued "Actually it was not too difficult to produce an elixir. The key is to master the proportion of raw materials and heat management, then production will be a success. However, many of the elixir production prescriptions were lost after generations."

"For example, the Godly Pill, Spirit Petrification Elixir, these fantastically unique prescriptions were all lost after several generations. No one knows about them now."

Isabela's beautiful face looked sad while saying that.

'Miss Isabela is really cute. Haha.' thought Darryl.

Isabela felt that Godly Pill and Spirit Petrification Elixir were fantastically unique prescriptions. Darryl was so excited when he heard Isabela's words.

To be honest, the 'Infinite Elixir Manual' had recorded that the Godly Pill and Spirit Petrification Elixir were just ordinary elixirs. Many other elixirs were more valuable than the Spirit Petrification Elixir. Besides, production of the Spirit Petrification Elixir only required seven to eight types of ingredients, hence the process was not too difficult.

'The Infinite Elixir Manual mentions a special elixir that could only be generated by Martial Saints. It was the Heaven Wonder Elixir. It required over fifty types of raw materials to brew it. Only that sort of recipe could be classified as complicated to produce.' Darryl thought, but he did not reply.

Isabela then added "Darryl, since you are interested in elixirs, perhaps you can join me in attending the Elixir Competition to be held this Sunday at Donghai City."

Elixir Competition?

Darryl was surprised. "There is a competition in producing elixirs?" There were just so many things that could happen in the world.

Isabela nodded, smiled, and replied "The cultivators have the martial arts competition; ofcourse, there would be elixir conventions. The Six Sects would organize the elixir competition once every three years."

Isabela added "You need to understand that an Elixir Master is really rare among the cultivators. This is because many prescriptions were lost. Most Elixir Masters are reluctant to train to be an Elixir Master as the future is uncertain. This has led to the reduced number of Elixir Masters around."

Darryl nodded. Isabela was right.

Most people that Darryl knew, no matter whether they were cultivators, or they were from rich and wealthy families, none of them had the knowledge of producing elixir.

Ever since Darryl had mastered the skill of producing elixirs, everyone treated him as their savior.

For example, Megan, the arrogant Goddess, would have to greet him as a brother so that she could obtain a Godly Pill.

Or Abby, the famous and powerful person from Donghai City, had been consistently presuading Darryl to train her with the skill of producing elixirs.

Isabela added further "The objective of the convention was to select the best Master of Elixirs among the Six Sects. During the competition, the elixir that is the rarest will be awarded the highest mark, with the brewer having the highest chance of being champion. The champion will receive a special prize, while the first and second runner up will gain the opportunity to learn a special skill from the Six Sects."

Wow! There was a prize?

Hearing that, Darryl was excited.

Even though he might not be able to be the champion, no harm in bing the first and second runner up.

Isabela went on further "I am taking part in the Elixir Competition this year. Considering I am short of an Elixir Assistant, and you are so interested in elixirs, you can join me as my Elixir Assistant."

Isabella added excitedly. "Darryl, the Elixir Competition is only held once every three years. You must appreciate the opportunity and don't miss it. You will learn a lot."


Darryl took a deep breath and smiled while nodding. "Yes, sure."

He had no intention to join the competition, but after thinking further, he felt there was no harm in joining. There would be many Elixir Masters present at the competition who probably brought along plenty of raw materials with them. Perhaps he would be able to purchase some raw materials from them. The challenge Darryl was faced was the lack of raw materials.


It was Saturday, there were no lessons at the Hexad School.

A few days ago, the oven exploded at the elixir room due to mishandling by Isabela, Darryl was injured during that accident too. Although it was only minor injuries, Darryl could not make it to the dinner plan with Circe.

Lily was discharged from the hospital the day before. With Shelly's treatment, Lily was recovering well.

Darryl was sleeping soundly in bed when he heard noises from the door, with a nice scent flowing into the room.


The next second, he could feel a pair of warm lips kissing on his lips. Lily smiled "Dear, time to wake up, the sun is up."

Lily was grateful she was still alive. She finally understood she needed to appreciate life. She appreciate all the time she had with Darryl.

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