Chapter 303

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Lily was extremely disappointed with her mother.

She clearly promised her that she would not play mahjong anymore.

She did not expect her to call her mahjong buddies immediately after she went out.

Her friend even went to the hospital to demand payment. How embarrassing.

"Sophie, can you kindly give me two days?" Samantha smiled and continued "You know my son-in-law, he was married into our family and stayed with us so ofcourse, he wouldn't have any money. Can you just give me a few days, for old times' sake?"

Samantha was filled up with pent-up anger every time someone mentioned her good-for-nothing son-in-law.

Aside from getting her daughter injured, he was of no help when she fell into debt.

Sophie sneered, it was clear that there was no room to argue. "Samantha, stop talking. Your daughter has to leave the hospital if you don't pay up today. I'm calling my nephew, just wait."

She took out her phone and dialed a number.

"No, please!" Samantha lost her cool the moment Sophie brought up her nephew as he was involved with sects and he was rumored to be a brute.

However, Sophie already made the call. She believed that Samantha and her daughter would pay up when her nephew made an appearance.

The call was picked up soon enough.

Sophie spoke loudly "I'm getting bullied here! Someone owed me an amount of money and refused to pay. You have to help me!"

An angry voice boomed from the other side of the call "What? Who owed you money? Does he want to get chased out of Donghai City? I'm bringing my menover now, where are you?"

His voice was loud and imposing.

"I'm at the hospital." replied Sophie immediately.

She looked at Samantha with a pleased expression after hanging up. "He will be here very soon. Hurry and thinkg of ways to get me my money or you're doomed."

Lily forced herself to sit on the bed and begged anxiously "Aunt Sophie, it's just two million. Please give us a few days, we really don't have the cash. How about three days? I'll get you the money in three days."

Sophie had been playing mahjong with Samantha for quite some time so Lily knew quite a bit about her.

She knew that she had a nephew in a sect and he had hundreds of men!

Who knew what sort of criminal records her nephew had and what would he do to them?

Sophie smiled and shook her head "It's not that I don't believe you. Mahjong has its rules, don't you know that? Also, your mom was the one who asked us to play. She shouldn't have called us if she didn't have the money!"

There was no room for discussion.


Lily was at a loss for words.

Samantha's face was flushed with anxiety "Sophie, you don't have to do this. I never said much when you owed me money previously! Why can't you give me a few days?"

She was being asked to pay her debt while her daughter was is a hospital.

How unlucky.

Sophie snickered "Are you comparing yourself to me? I am loaded! I can just make a call and someone will send the money to me! How about you? You're acting rich although you are actually broke!"

Samantha lost it completely. She was about to beg when a series of rapid footsteps came.

"Who? Who owes my aunt money?"

An aggressive voice called out even before he entered the ward. The nurses in the hall way were terrified and hurried away.

A huge figure walked into the wad with five subordinates behind him. All of them looked ferocious.

The man in the front was Caelan Lewis, the Vice Hall Master of the Eternal Life Palace Sect. He was Sophie's nephew.

Caelan had been helping Sophie to get things settled for quite a few years now.

Caelan scanned the room with a grim expression and shouted "Who owes my aunt money?"

The tension was spreading in the ward.

Sophie pointed at Samantha "It's her."

A hint of menace flashed past Caelan's eyes as he galred at Samantha. He walked in her direction "Don't you know who I am? Do you want to get chased out from Donghai City?"

Samantha was petrified, her body quivered with fear as she replied softly "I'm just... I don't have the money now, can you give me a few days?"

She noticed the tattoos and scars covering those men. They had to be fugutives!

Lily was also nervous and she asked carefully "Can you please give us a few days?"

Sophie reacted impatiently "Caelan, stop wasting your time with them. Chase them out since they're not giving me my money back. They don't deserve to stay in a hospital since they're broke."

Caelan waved an arm and his men walked to Lily instantly.

Samantha panicked and tried to stop them "You can't do this."

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