Chapter 273

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If it were other ladies who lost their phone, they would have been frantic.

Circe Newman was no ordinary woman. She was incredibly calm when she realized her phone and purse were missing.

Darryl complimented her silently. It was no wonder that she was the Belle of Hexad's. Her aura of calmness and confidence was unrivaled.

What happened? Did she lose her phone?

The rest were confused. If Circe could not pay, would everyone have to split the bill?

Declan could not put up an act anymore, being slumped on the table the entire time. What was happening? Circe could not pay? If he continued faking being drunk, people were bound to talk. He would have to face the music.

He was reluctant, but he yawned and stood up slowly. He pretended to be surprised. "Oh, I'm so sorry! How did I fall asleep? I'm sure everyone had fun today! I'll go pay."

F*ck. It looked liked he had to beg his family for the money.

Declan scratched his head. "Guys, this meal cost thirty million. My money is locked in shares." he admitted. "I'd have to get my dad to transfer the cash to me."

He took a deep breath as he took his phone and dialed his father. His father Jason Noel, a relatively famous businessman in the food processing business.

The phone call went through. Declan forced a smile as he muttered nervously. "Dad, could you wire another thirty million for me?"

He had to get the money somehow, even if it means getting an earful from his father.

"What? More money?" Jason - on the other end of the phone call was furious. He reprimanded "You bastard. I just gave you thirty million before you enrolled in Hexad's, and you've already spent it in a few days? You're a huge failure and a disappointment!"

Jason was livid. He worked hard his entire life yet this bastard son spent tens of millions in a short period.

Declan was almost in tears, but he could not let his classmates know. He pretended as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, dad, I have about seven periods per scholl day. Don't worry!" he trembled.

"Bloody hell, bastard! Are you trying to aggravate me? I'm warning you. I'll transfer thirty million bucks to you, but don't even think about asking me for more money within the next six months!" He hung up abruptly.

"My dad is worried for me." he chuckled awkwardly. "He asked how many periods of classes I had in a day."

His phone beeped as he spoke to his classmates. Jason transferred the money to him. Bloody hell, this meal cost twenty-something million, and he has to get a scolding from his father. This was too hard to bear!

Declan's heart bled in tears when the money left his account balance.

As the rest left the dining room, Daisy asked Katherine "Miss Katherine, do you feel anything after consuiming the Spirit Petrification Elixir?"

"Nothing whatsoever." Katherine shook her head.

They were stunned. The effects should have been immediate. Could Darryl have been right about the elixir being ineffective?

"Not all elixirs take effect immediately." she added. "Perhaps by tomorrow."

Declan made it seem so grand while giving her the elixir in front of the entire class. How could it have been a fake?

"Darryl, please don't spew any nonsense from now on. How could the elixir from Declan be fake?" Katherine scoffed. "You're lucky that Declan is a forgiving person.  If it were someone else, it might be worse for you."

Darryl laughed in response.

Declan walked over slowly as he finished paying the bill.

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