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"Hello dear one. I know you must be someone from my family. Are you wondering who am I? Donot worry. I am not the cunning Subhadra Singh Raizada. I am Sristi Singh Raizada. If you are the son of Arvind,then I am your aunty. The eldest sibling of Raizada family. I donot know how many generations has passed. But I hope it's not too late,that you donot even know me. Are you wondering why there is such a letter in a box,waiting for someone? You must be. Let me tell you a secret. I am dying of poisoning. Who poisoned me,you would wonder. It's not your cruel grandmother,or great grandmother. It's someone else. These days I am almost always alone in the temple of my Goddess. I sit there,pray. Pray to be heard at least once. That is why I am writing these letters. As you open the boxes,you would find more and more about me. All I hope is,after you finish reading all this,donot dwell in it. Let the past be. Be happy. Just bury these things in our ancestral grave..It will free me"Arnav read the slightly yellowed letter he found in the first box..

He gulped down. He never knew someone like that existed. He had never heard about anyone called Sristi. He took his phone and called Anjali..

"Hello Di..How are you?"the ever loving brother asked .

"I am fine Chhote.  We had talked an hour befor only. What would happen to me in an hour?"frowned Anjali ...

She was a mother figure to Arnav. She knew something was wrong.

"What happened Chotte?"she asked strongly .

"Di,do you know we had a aunt called Sristi?"he asked .

Anjali gulped. How could she not know. Her grandmother had told her about her aunt. And she had taken a promise from her to not tell Arnav anything until he asked..

"Yes,chhote. I know about her. But just that she was the eldest of Raizada family. And she died of illness. Our Das was not even married when she died. So I donot know much"she lied..

Arnav told her about the letter and Anjali gulped. The time was turning. Old secrets were coming out. The sky was darkening. Where would it lead Arnav to,she wondered..

"Chhote,listen to me. Donot open the old memories. Let them rot. You finish your work and come home. Actually Lavanya had come home. Nani wishes to finish the marriage as soon as possible"said Anjali. Even though all she wished was Arnav to read them,find more about her. The sister in her still wished her brother to be happy..

"No Di. I cannot do that. I have to go through all this. It feels like I am somehow connected to all this.. And Di,tell Nani,I will talk about marriage after I finish Sheesh Mahal project. You know na,it's like paying homage to our Maa..I donot want Lavanya to create any disturbance in this."said Arnav and Anjali smiled. She wanted him to read those words. And she too was not in favour of Lavanya,for she knew someone was waiting for Arnav somewhere..

They talked some more and cut the call..

Arnav again went to the boxes. The second box had small trinklets. A broken pair of anklets,with its bells broken,a dried flower,a pair of earrings,a hair accessory,a necklace. They were not costly. They felt odd,in the room filled with precious gems,simple things stood out..

Each of the item was packed very well. Even the dried flower was pressed on a paper and kept well. He wondered why Sristi had kept them. Unknowingly he had started to adress her by her name. He never felt like calling her aunt,he never thought why..

The third box had a flute,inside a long box. It was black,with red tassel on the end..Yet it was broken from the centre. Beside it,there were old paint brush,pencils and pens. Yet everything was broken .

He looked at the things and wondered,why would Sristi keep broken thing. Yet he kept them back..

The paintbrush had A engraved in it. It was engraved by someone immature.

There were few kerchiefs with flowers embroidered on them. Mostly were lotus. And in the end,two initials,A and S.

S was her name. Yet who was this A,wondered Arnav .

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