Fourty Six

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"Khushi,dear..Can we meet?"asked Subhadra Devi..

Khushi replied a yes. The place this time changed. Khushi had called her to the temple of Devi maa. Because of the attack on Amar,Khushi had warned Subhadra Devi to not tell anyone. Just come. Without any warning.

Subhadra Devi arrived at the temple. She saw Khushi sitting leaning on a tree. She was looking tired..

"Khushi.."called out Subhadra Devi..

Khushi got up and touched the lady's feet in respect..

Subhadra Devi was silent. She blessed the young girl to be happy. Both sat down on that bench. Both were quite. Khushi was lost. Subhadra Devi was watching the young woman before her. Gone was the regal lady. Gone was the person who could brave every storm with that smile on her face. She looked so Haggard,pale. Her eyes were vacant. All she did was look at the sky watching the sun set..

"Khushi.."the old lady called out..

Khushi looked at her. It was only then she recalled she had a company. The emptiness inside her was eating her up,yet it was healing. She did not worry about being judged. She didn't worry about being hurt. It was just herself and her lonliness..

"Khushi,when you were born,as Sristi.. We were so happy. Your Baba,Dada,Dadi,Me.. But your Dadi and Dada died in an accident. Slowly Kamini started to put on the idea that you were cursed. Your Baba shouted on me for the first time for that. I had cried a lot that day. I had left my parents behind. Had no one except my husband and his family. Him scolding me for you,made me feel that Kamini was right. Khushi,hatred,anger, jealousy,these are often born as a sma grain,but we ourselves water them and make them giants. Though your Baba asked for forgiveness for shouting at me,that day,and made me understand that it was blind belief,still the dissatisfaction stayed. And my upbringing,the poor family without any education,there were lots of such things. Kamini had that power on me,because she knew my insecurity. She knew I always felt shy to meet Amarendra's friends,I was always inferior about my origin. Actually it was not that much. My parents in law and husband had tried their best to make me feel safe. But Kamini played it well. In the name of sympathy and pity,she entered my life and played with my insecurities. And I let her play. Her first victim my parents in law. Then you..She made me feel,it's your responsibility,that you should be perfect in every aspect. She made me think,that I was kindhearted by providing you education,when I didn't have it. I forgot,where I stood. She made me feel insecure about your ability,your beauty. When you danced,you sang,she told me,it would only increase the attention on you,and my son's would not shine. That a daughter would leave one day. Trust me,when I realised it,the harm was already done..My husband was dead. My daughter was poisoned"said Subhadra Devi and cried..

Khushi looked at her. She sighed. Everyone has a battle of their own. These days she though if there was no Kamini,then would everything be all right?

The answer is no. At least right now,she knows how to bow down,how to not feel too much. Yet the things inside Subhadra Devi,it would have come out. At least there was a Kamini to blame. At least her mother could leave a guilt free life.

Subhadra Devi was looking at Khushi. She was still silent. There was no reaction at all. She hoped Khushi would talk. Tell her it was okay. But Khushi was silent,like she didnot hear anything..

"Maa..That wedding dress I designed,is it still there?"Khushi asked out of blue..

Subhadra Devi was blank..What just happened..She poured out her heart and this girl is asking about some damn wedding dress..

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