Thirty six

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"Hello..Dadiji..What can I do for you?"asked Khushi picking up the call..

Subhadra Devi had called her after a week. Arnav had left for a business trip,telling his sister,he would tell her his answer after returning..

"Khushi..How are you dear?"asked Subhadra Devi with some hesitation..

"I am good.. Thank you for asking Dadiji"said Khushi..

"Khushi..I am sorry for not contacting you these days dear"said Subhadra Devi..

Khushi chuckled..

"Maa .Opps..Sorry Mrs Raizada..You take me as an innocent child. You forget I have learnt things from you.. You were the biggest lesson giver to me. I know,you are trying to protect your own world..You have your family to care for. You have Arnav,you have Anjali,Amar,Amita and Malliks.. Mrs Raizada,I understand . I understand that I am a storm that might disrupt the perfect balance around you..And I accept it. My life, existence is a mess. Sristi is dead. I donot see myself as Arnav and Anjali's bua..I donot see myself as Amar's sister. In fact I am no one to Raizadas. Yet Maa,all I seeked was a little assurance,that I am not alone in this. No matter how mature I am,my life is falling apart. I know you fear Anant may hate himself being born in Raizada household. Maa,Arnav would reach there. One day. Because I remember him. My heart calls out to him. Leave it. You just stood away..Leaving me alone"Khushi poured out.

She knew it was okay,good. She had to adjust. She had to change herself. Accept that she is Khushi Kumari Gupta now and wishes to marry Arnav Singh Raizada. Otherwise she would herself be in a mess,an entangled thread of relations where Arnav is Anant,still biologically he is the son of her brother..She cannot mess with this. She had to cool down.

Still it hurts. She could not connect with Guptas. She was like a prisoner caged in between..

Subhadra Devi was silently crying. She knew it was harsh. To stay away from her child..But she too had to make herself accept that the girl infront of her was Khushi. And she was Arnav's bride. She too needed time to adjust..

"Khushi dear..You know what I was doing.."Subhadra Devi said..

"Yes..I know. I understand. Still it hurts..It hurts damn good..When all I wish is to hug Arnav. To tell him I love him. I have to wait. Wait until he accepts. Wait until the right time"said Khushi and cried..

Both had tears. Both knew it hurts..But they prayed for it to be over soon .

"Dadiji.. Are you scared that Arnav would feel something for you,for your family? He would not. He could accept Sanjana Raichand. They were not far off from us..Yet he could not accept Sristi.. Because she had a voice. She stood up for herself..Let's be honest with each other Maa. Anant knew somewhere,he was looking for a replacement for me. Just like in Pranjal I saw a shadow of Anant. Maa,Anant was scared of me..But now,Arnav stands there. Once he looks at things,he would understand himself and me,would he not Maa?"Khushi said,her last words more like a plea,plea for assurance..

That her love was not wrong. That he would understand this time..

Subhadra Devi closed her eyes as tear drops fell. She had no wish to wipe them off. How she wished to go to Arnav and shake him telling him to go and marry Khushi now itself. But she too had to wait. Arnav was Arnav. He had his own thoughts,ideas..No one had right to change him..

"Khushi.. Every moment I pray,pray for it to happen. For you to be his. Sometimes I wake up at nights having nightmares of not finding you.. Please stay brave dear"Subhadra Devi tried to console Khushi..

Khushi understood that she had no answer. Only one person can answer her,it's Arnav..

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