Fourty one

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"Devi Maa..Please hear the plea of this heart..I donot understand right or wrong. Give me courage to love. Give me courage to move on. Maa.. All I wish for,pray for is my loved ones. Keep them safe. Keep my Baba,Maa,Buaji,Arnavji,and everyone safe. Give Arnavji everything he desires. Maa,let me fade away..

You know Maa.. Some days I am afraid,will I be able to touch Arnavji ever? Will I able to heal? There are things I am scared of. And I am afraid of Arnavji the most.. What if he doesn't accept me? What if he still is in love with Sanjana? What if he doesnot come? Maa,there are countless fears. Yet I all I beg for is courage,to accept whatever he decides. And to be freed. Please listen to my plea Maa"as Khushi sat infront of the idol of Goddess Durga,she said,the words in her heart..

She turned back to walk home. She had come,to offer prayers. All her heart and mind was on one person Arnav..

She didnot see Pranjal waiting for her,down the stairs of the temple..She was shocked when he pulled her hands. She instictively tried to come out..

"Pranjal..Donot touch me without my permission"Khushi said as she pulled her hands out. Her wrist was red..

"Why Khushi Kumari Gupta? Why can I not touch you,hug you,kiss you,feel you up? Are you that pious? Do you not remember what you said? You had said,You are mine..Did you forget it? Or do you need me to show you the proofs?"Said Pranjal in mockery..

Khushi was silent. What promise? Yes,she was his. But was he hers?

A voice mocked at her, yours here? Pranjal or Arnav? Pranjal or Anand? Dhruv or Anand? What is the difference?

She was scared of this. The biggest hurdle of her life. The things done cannot be undone. But the scars,the wounds,they hurt..

"Yes I said it.. Because I loved you. With my everything"Khushi said looking at the man. 

Pranjal laughed mockingly. She loved him? What a joke..

"Khushi Kumari Gupta.. You are just a burden on me,on everyone around you. You loved me? Are you kidding? You never loved me. All you loved is the security I gave you. You saw my looks,my back ground,my talent,my leadership. You saw your benefit. You had nothing,no career,no dream. You are just a child of a sweet maker. You wanted to survive"screamed Pranjal..

Khushi stood silent..May be she never loved anyone including him. May be she wished for security. Yes,she was the wrong one..

"Yes..Thank you for showing me the mirror. I am selfish. I never cared for you. All I saw is your family,status,money, potential. Then what are you doing here?"asked Khushi..Her voice calm..

"Khushi Gupta..I am telling you,I am not going to marry you. I would not care if you live or die. Your life is yours..Donot call me,text me..If you need anything,just send me a text..I would provide you that..I am a man of my promises"said Pranjal and left..

Khushi stood there. Silent. Okay..So it's over. Good. Very good.She liked it,when that man questioned her love. She liked it,when he screamed telling her,she didnot love her..

She smiled,and walked forward,step by step,towards home. May be there would be a day,when she would be labled selfish there too..Did she have a place called home?

May be it was a sign,from Devi maa. Telling her,Pranjal can never understand her. He could not understand her,when she was just a submissive doll. Now,when the,why would he understand her?

The cold winter made her realise,she had forgotten her stawl. She had come to the temple while walking along. Yet as night fell,it was cold.She reached home,it was after 8 in the Evening. Still her family was busy. She went to her room silently. Sat there,reelling from things happening..

There was countless questions inside her. Did she did good,when she broke up with Pranjal? Her heart said yes. Atleast she smiled..

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