Fourty eight

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"Hello,ASR speaking"even though Arnav saw who it was,he still received the call and answered it in his own way..

"Mr Raizada,it Pranjal. Khushi's boyfriend.. I would like to share some information about the girl you are going to marry"said Pranjal from the other side..

"Ohh.. I donot have time"said Arnav and cut the call.

He counted 60 to 1 in reverse order. There it rang again..

"Hello"again Arnav answered as if he didn't know..

"Sir,I have sent some recordings to you through WhatsApp..Please hear it. Donot take that woman lightly Mr Raizada. She can do anything for money. All she care about is money"said Pranjal in hurry..

"Okay"said Arnav and cut the call..

His phone pinged with few messages. All were from Pranjal..
He downloaded it.

Putting his headphone on,he started the recordings. Some were private conversations,normal between couples. Some were arguments. Arnav sighed. These recordings were enough To destroy Khushi's life. She would have never thought that so called spiritual,great boyfriend of hers was keeping records of her words. Arnav's mind was moving at the speed of the clock. All he was thinking was,how to pull the family out of this mess. That man can sent it to Sashi Gupta and all will be destroyed..

Arnav thought something and sent those recordings and photos to Khushi. He wanted to know how she would deal with it..

A call came..

"Mr Raizada,how did you get these?"Khushi asked..

"The criminal himself send these to me"answered Arnav..

"Khushi what should you do with this? This man,he has your pictures,your conversations are recorded. He can use them to smear your reputation"said Arnav..

"Mr Raizada,are you worried about me?"asked Khushi surprised..

"Do you know something funny Arnavji? He is the same man,whom I literally begged to get married legally. I was ready for leaving everything behind,to walk with him.I am not blaming him. Actually it's my fault. Arnav ji. It's just I loved him,a part of me still is attached to him and it hurts. No matter how cruelly I try,it's like a habit,loving him,loving people. I cannot stop loving right"Khushi said,her tone soft.

Arnav was calm. He knew Khushi. This was the time when she needed someone. A friend..

"Khushi. If you break this thing strongly,you would bleed. And he would notice it. Actually he already noticed. Humans in ego,they take drastic steps,and they donot care about the pain they cause others. I feel the way to handle this situation is to wait. Maintain what is going on. Leave the rest in time. Just breathe"said Arnav..

"But Arnavji. It hurts. You know,when he shouted at me,scolded me,I had recorded them. To remind myself to not behave rashly again. Yet I never thought to use it to harm him. I just want to breathe. Without harming anyone,hurting anyone.. Can it not be done?"asked Khushi..

"Khushi,tell me,when we walk by,just how many small viruses, bacterias,ants get hurt. We unconsciously step on ants,bees,grass. They get hurt. We cannot do that. It's a cycle Khushi. Still we can consciously try our best to not hurt others with our bad behaviour. That is all we can do. Khushi think,if you really want Pranjal to be happy,he would not be happy until you are destroyed. It's his ego that makes him dance. You cannot change that any more. Even if you marry him,he would use these days to taunt you lifelong. To remind you again and again of the days you were in dark. We cannot keep everyone happy,safe. But we can try as much as we can to not cause unhappiness for anyone"said Arnav,calm,rational..

Khushi smiled. He had grown up. Arnav and Anand are different. For the first time in her life,she felt safe. That this man would be strong,for both of them. That he would be the guiding light for her. She didn't trust him completely. Yet she knew,she was beginning to accept,there was someone who would not judge her,for someone she matters..

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