Fourty two

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Aman and Arnav were walking back to hotel. They had gone out to finish some work and it was a walkable distance from the hotel..

"ASR,have you talked to Khushi?asked Aman..

Arnav nodded no. There was no time to talk .

"Then ASR,do you like her?"asked Aman..

Arnav was silent..

"ASR..Think it through. The things you know,the period after Sristi was caged,what happened to her,only one person knows it in detail. It's you. Thanks to Dhruv. There are things that Khushi might not recall or it would take her sometime. But you know it. Would you be able to look at her eyes,when she would feel it? The devastation? Would you be able to handle it,if she flinches from you? Would you be able to handle it,whatever may happen? No,donot answer in hasty. Think it through. Feel it. Then answer. Not to me. Not to anyone. Answer to yourself"Aman said and walked away..

Arnav watched his friend walk away. What was he thinking?

Yes,it's hard. It will be hard. A life time is limited. Some years is all that life is. Would he waste it on a person destroyed? Why?

He too walked inside. Locking the room,he sat,watching the night. Her life was dark. She had to deal with extreme situation. But there is still a Khushi. Khushi who smiles,who tries. He had hope. That Arnav and Khushi can make things work. That life would be a better place..

Arnav was feeling lonely. He had Raizadas,yet he was feeling like he was alone. He could not tell his Di. He could not consult with Dadi. For he thought she would still support her daughter..What he didnot know that Arnav was,is and forever will be Khushi's priority..

Khushi sat alone.. Actually there were too much going in her life.And she dared not risk it..One side there was Pranjal,other side there was her memories. And she was not sure about the arrangements Sristi had made to protect her family.. Was it done?

Past .

"Mayank..Dhruv Raichand is moving forward,step by step towards the plan. Yet somehow my heart is unsettled. Something is bugging me,telling me, even after I die,Dhruv,Sanjana and Dev would not let my family and Anand in peace. They would haunt them"Sristi told her best friend,her distant cousin brother Mayank Sehgal..

Mayank was the only grandchild of the her grandaunt,Damini Singh Raizada.. She had married her lover and ran away,from her arranged marriage.. Before Sristi,no one had any contact with her family. Sehgals were businessmen. And Mayank was the only child of that family. She had met Mayank in a business meet,and their friendship grew. Mayank knew about Raizadas from his grandmother and he had approached her. He revealed his identity to Sristi and both were best friends. She never had the chance to introduce Mayank to Anand and rest. Only she knew about him,not even her mother knew.And when she got to know about Raichands,it was Mayank who had left everything behind and helped her. Dhruv Raichand did not know he was also a prey. Sristi wished to end the enimity with herself. But she was fully prepared. If Dhruv harmed her family in any way,then Mayank would take matters to his hands and end the trio..

"Sri..Do you really think Dhruv Raichand would let go? He hates Kamini,but he hates you more"Mayank said. He was worried for this sister of his,who was even ready to pretend to be his girlfriend to make Anand guilty free..

"Mayank..This is a choice. I am giving up on myself,allowing him and his children a way out. If they are intelligent,they would take it,a chance of redemption. After five years,Sanjana and Dev would be able to escape from prison, announced as dead. Then the trio can go abroad,where Dev's wife is and live a good life. Mayank, actually there is less than one percent chance than Dhruv would change. That he would be satisfied with my end. But if it helps,I want to take that one percent chance"said Sristi as both stood outside the hotel room of Mayank,sipping coffee..

"But you can just end them. End their lives and live peacefully. The risk on your family would be over"asked Mayank..

Sristi laughed..She laughed until her eyes had tears..

"Mayank..Do you think,I would not be able to..I can kill them. But what about me? What about my family?Do you know Maa, trusts Kamini aunty so much. Amar and Arvind are just children. They would grow up. News would reach them. And a time would come,when I would again be blamed. They would be afraid of me. They would think,I can go to any extent for revenge."said Sristi still sipping her coffee..

"But you can explain it to them. You can kill Raichands slowly, painfully. You can assure your brothers that you just protected them"asked Mayank,not liking the plan at all..

"Mayank,the trust my mother has on Kamini aunty,it's price is my death. Only when she looses me,would she know,how much it hurts to trust a wrong person. And about explaining,Mayank,are you kidding me? I cannot even explain,make Maa see the proof that Raichands are harming us now. To make my brothers understand,do you think,I have not tried? It's the end path Mayank"said Sristi and walked back inside.

Mayank Sehgal stood there, watching Lukhnow. It's royal family and it's pain...

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