Thirty one

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"Khushi..Can I ask you something?"said Arnav,even though he was very much unwilling to break the peace between them..

Khushi nodded..

"Will you risk someone you love? Would you allow Pranjal to marry you,even when his life is at risk,or yours is at risk?"Arnav asked..

Khushi looked at him,stopping the swing..

"Arnavji..Me and Pranjal are different.Its more like a partnership than relationship. He says he loves me. Yet from the very beginning my heart has this fear,any given condition he would leave me..Even my slightest mistake,donot take the silly things as mistake,can cost me him. That was what Pranjal made me feel. With him,I can runaway,marry,have kids. Yet I can never tell him,to stand infront of my parents asking for my hands. He would not bow down. His life,his problems are so huge. Yet mine are so small. To answer your questions,for someone to risk everything,even rejection,one has to feel. It's like I am a heartless being,who never felt Anything. Parents call their children the apple of their eyes. They too have expectations. Children call their parents their Gods,yet they too have boundry..Husband and wife are life partner..Yet there are boundries too. Do you know,there many couples in this world who donot even know what their partner likes to eat,what is their favourite colour..Such simple matter,but it's boundary..And when we have boundry,we hesitate.. And with hesitation,how can we sacrifice our life for someone?"told Khushi..

"But there are people about whom everyone knows. It's like this Khushi,my favourite colour is red,and my associates,my business partners know it. Because I prefer red. What is my favourite food,Aman knows,Di knows..How can you even have this as a goal?"Arnav asked..

Khushi moved the swing again..

"Arnavji. Again,it's not the end goal. It's about understanding. If the husband is a writer,then wife has to understand that he needs inspiration to write. If a wife is a doctor,then husband needs to understand that his wife is busy. Understanding is the base.. You know,to understand,we need to listen. Yet sometimes people are so opinated that,who you are,what you feel, everything just dies. That is when the boundary of simple threads become iron walls. We become caged in relationship..The problem is we try to change people into what we like. We donot see what they like. There is always a middle ground. But it can only be found if both sides put effort.."explained Khushi..

"Still the question is the same..Would you risk,Pranjal's life?"Arnav again stressed..

Khushi smiled..
"No"she answered..

Arnav looked satisfied. It seemed he too was looking for a way to escape. He found his ground with Khushi's answer..

"I cannot risk Pranjal's life,because I am just an insignificant part of his life. He has such a large scope outside. He has so much to do. So much to achieve. And I am just someone he wants to stay at home,be the perfect person he dreams of. Who has no complaints,no issues. Whose basic needs are just food,home,clothes and sex.. Then there is nothing else I need..He would live a life meant for greater good. And I would do what he wants me to do..Do you think I would dare to risk such a person's life? He who has such great responsibilities? For the insignificant me?"Khushi laughed mockingly..

Arnav stood there..

"The problem is Arnavji. You never asked,what the other person is willing for. To make things work,one side cannot always say,do things. I donot know what is your issue. But Pranjal and me,it's a sinking ship. From the very beginning,it was full of holes. No matter how much we try,I cannot always stand up to his expectations,his ideals. I am a normal woman. I have desires,wishes. I donot dream of a life of luxury. I donot dream of a life where there is everything great..Still I wish to live. Not just follow books and survive"said Khushi and got up..

Arnav looked at her leaving from there. She was that lonely figure,even in crowd,her lonliness was there,tangible..

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